Recruitment of Pharmacist (28 Posts) under Directorate of Health Services

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Welcome to an exciting opportunity in the realm of healthcare! The Directorate of Health Services is thrilled to announce the recruitment of 28 talented pharmacists who will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of public health. If you’re passionate about making a difference and contributing to the well-being of communities, this is the perfect chance to join a dynamic team dedicated to excellence.


Our commitment to providing quality healthcare services is unwavering, and we believe that the right professionals can significantly impact the overall health landscape. As we expand our team, we are actively seeking skilled and motivated pharmacists to fill 28 positions that will contribute to the delivery of safe, effective, and compassionate pharmaceutical care.


Pharmacist Grade III

No. of Posts

28 (UR-12, EWS-02, OBC(NCL)-10, ST-04, PwD-01, MSP-01)

Eligibility Condition


(i) Applicant must be an Indian National.

(ii) All candidates shall be required to apply ONLINE for the post whether they are registered with the Employment Exchange or not.

(iii) The Central Government civilian employees/servants and Departmental Candidates of A & N Administration must also apply online within the due date and also upload the NOC or intimation to the respective department about the online submission of application for the respective post.


Essential Qualification:

i) Degree in Pharmacy / Diploma in Pharmacy from a recognised University/institution.

 ii) Registration with Pharmacy Council under Section -12 of Pharmacy Act, 1948.


Desirable: Three years’ experience in dispensing of Medicine in case of Degree holder and five years’ experience in the case of Diploma holder

Process of Certification and Format of Certificates

Candidates who wish to be considered against vacancies reserved or age- relaxation must submit valid requisite certificate from the competent authority issued on or before the last date of receipt of online application, in the prescribed format along with the online application and whenever such certificates are sought by the Andaman and Nicobar Health Department for documents verification.    Otherwise, their claim for ST/OBC/EWSs/Meritorious Sportsperson category will not be entertainer and their candidature/applications will be considered under General (UR) category Candidates may note that in respect of the above, the candidature will remain provisional tiU the veracity of the concerned document is verified by the Appointing Authority.

Age Limit

18-33 years for male & 18-38 years for female Note: – The crucial date for determining the age limit shall be the closing date or receipt of applications.

Note : Age is relaxable to candidates as per the orders issued by Govt, of India & A & N Administration


Fee Payable:- Candidates (Except Female/ST/Persons with Benchmark Disability ‘ Candidates) are required to pay a fee of Rs.25/- (Rupees Twenty Jive only by using Net Banking, VISA/Master/Rupay/ Credit/Debit Card, UPI Payment/QR Code to the following Account:
Account No.: 41881546799
Account Name: Principal, Dr. B.R.AMBEDKAR INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (Recruitment Exam Fee)
IFSC: SBIN0017178
Bank: State Bank of India

Centre of Examination: – The Recruitment Examination will be held only at Port Blair. The date of the Computer Based Test shall be intimated later throug newspaper/web portal.
Method of Selection : – By Computer Based Test
Recruitment Examination :-
a. The Selection will be done on the basis of Computer Based Test.
b. The standard of questions for the Computer Based Test will be generally in conformity with the educational standards and / or minimum professional / technical qualifications prescribed for the post.
c. The Computer Based Test shall be conducted in English only and will consist of three parts with weightage of marks as below:-
i. Professional / technical subject related questions – 80%
ii. General awareness – 10%
iii. General Science – 10%

The detailed Syllabus for the Recruitment Examination for the said posts are as under.
General Awareness : Knowledge of current affairs, Indian Geography, Culture & History of India including freedom struggle, Indian Constitution, Environmental issues concerning India & World, Sports, General Scientific and Technological Development, etc.
General Science : Physics Chemistry & Life Sciences (Upto 10th Standard CBSE Syllabus),

Questions from the following topics conforming to standards of 2 years Diploma in Pharmacy Course
1. Pharmaceutical Chemistry
2. Pharmaceutics
3. Human Anatomy & Physiology
4. Pharmacognosy
5. Bio Chemistry & Pathophysiology
6. Health Education & Community Pharmacy
7. Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence
8. Hospital 8& Clinical Pharmacology
9. Pharmacology & Toxicology
10 Drugs Store & Business Management

a) The ONLINE application shall be submitted online from 10/01/2024 at 11:00 AM to 31/01/2024 at 12:00 Midnight by the eligible candidates. The candidates who have already applied in terms of previous vacancy notices dated 28.09.2018 and 21.06.2019 and shortlisted as eligible to appear for the recruitment examination published on 05.11.2020 need not submit applications again.
b) Online application consists of five sections viz. (1) Personal details, (2) Educational Qualification details, (3) Post Details, (4) Payment details (5) Upload document of proof of age, educational qualification, category & age relaxation, Photograph and Signature.
c) Only those applications which are complete with respect to all the above six sections will be treated as complete.
d) Candidates have to upload good quality Photograph and Signature m jpeg format. If the uploaded photograph is not legible and of poor quality then his/her admission to the examination hall may be prohibited.
1 Photograph should be between 20 KB to 50 KB and the resolution recommended is 200×230 (width x height) in jpeg format and
2. Signature should be between 10 KB to 20 KB and the resolution is 140 x 60 (width x height) in jpeg format.
3. Other documents such as proof of age, qualifications, category, NOC . should be between 100 KB to 500 KB to be uploaded as instructed m the online portal.
e) The candidate should read the instructions for filling out the online application and follow the instructions as directed in the online portal.
f) Before submitting his/her ONLINE application, the candidate should read and follow the instructions for filling the online application and follow the instructions as directed in the online portal. Candidate should read the eligibility conditions for the examination before submitting his/her ONLINE application and satisfy himself/herself that he/she fulfils all eligibility conditions to avoid rejection of his/her candidature.
g) The candidates may contact the Recruitment Cell, Directorate of Health Services in person or over phone (03192 235810) during working hours for any clarification from 09.00 am to 05.00 pm in all working days or through email :

Verification of Documents: All the successful candidates short listed through the Recruitment Examination will be called for Document/Certificate verification in person. The Candidates must bring all relevant documents/certificates m original as are mandatory and submit another self-attested copy of all those mandatory certificates /testimonials in person to the authorized officers/officials at the prescribed venue on the scheduled date & time, failing which his/her candidature shall be struck off from the relevant panel for all purposes and no further request /correspondence shall be entertained.

Mode of Selection:
1. The recruitment process will consist of the Computer Based Test, Document/Certificate verification.
2. All the candidates whose applications were received through online and found eligible in preliminary scrutiny will be called for appearing to the Recruitment Examination. The Andaman and Nicobar Health Department, A & N Islands will not undertake detailed scrutiny of the applications for the eligibility and other aspects at the time of Recruitment Examination. Therefore, the candidature will be accepted provisionally.
3. The Recruitment Examination will be a Computer Based Test (CBT).
4. The candidates shall be shortlisted for certificate/document verification based on merit in the Computer Based Test, in the respective category.
5. The cut-off qualifying marks for the post will be fixed at the discretion of the Health Department A & N Administration.
6. ST, OBC, EWS candidates, who are selected on their merit without relaxed standards, will not be adjusted against the reserved share of vacancies. Such ST, OBC, EWS candidates will be accommodated against the general/unreserved vacancies as per their position in the Merit List.
Note : The candidate applying for the post should ensure that they fulfil ail eligibility conditions prescribed for the post. Their admission at all the stages of recruitment process will be purely provisional, subject to their satisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions. Success in the recruitment examination confers no right of appointment unless government is satisfied after such enquiry as may be considered necessary that the candidate is suitable in all respects for appointment to Government service/post.

Additional Instructions and Conditions to the Candidate
1. Candidates are advised to fill the ONLINE application carefully with due diligence as once application is submitted cannot be modified.
2. Request for change/correction, in any particulars in the application form, once submitted will not be entertained under any circumstances. The Department will not be responsible for any consequence arising of non-acceptance of correction/addition/deletion in any particular filled in the online application form whatever the reasons may be.
3. Candidates must write/mark the answers in their own hand. In no case & circumstances, will they be allowed or provided the help of a scribe to write/mark the answers for them.
4. The candidates appear for the examinations are requested to present at the centre of the examination hall, one hour before the commencement of recruitment examination.
5. No TA/ DA will be paid to the candidates for appearing in the recruitment examination.
6. Similarly, the shortlisted candidates will be called as per merit to attend this office whenever asked and no TA/DA will be paid to the candidates for attending this office.
7. No candidate shall be allowed to leave the Exam Hall before the closing time of the Examination.
8. Final selection for appointment of candidates to the respective post will be made on based on the marks secured on merit basis in the Computer Based Test subject to verification of character and antecedents and medical examination from the appropriate authority.
9. Candidates seeking reservation benefits available for ST/OBC/EWSs etc. must ensure that they are entitled to such reservation as per eligibility prescribed in the Notice. They should also be in possession of the valid required certificates in the prescribed format in support of their claim at the time of application.
10. Central Government civilian employees/servants Departmental Candidates of A& N Administration claiming age relaxation should be in possession of a certificate in the prescribed format from their office in respect of length of continuous service which should be for not less than three years in the immediate period preceding the closing date for receipt of application. They should continue to have the status of Central Government civilian employees / servants till the time of appointment, in the event of their selection.
11. All candidates seeking relaxation of age in-terms of Administration’s circular bearing No. 45/96-PW dated 06.06.2001 and 45/1998-PW dated 19.09.2011 should submit supporting documents in proof of age relaxation.
12. The candidates must fill their name, date of birth, father’s name and mother’s name strictly as given in the matriculation certificate otherwise their candidature will summarily be cancelled at the time of document verification or as and when comes into the notice of the department.
13. The Director, Andaman and Nicobar Health Department reserve the right to accept/reject any candidature without assigning any reason thereof.
14. The Department will not undertake detailed scrutiny of applications for the eligibility and other aspects at the time of recruitment examination and, therefore, candidature will be accepted only provisionally. The candidates are advised to go through the requirements of educational qualification, experience, age; physical and medical standards etc, and satisfy themselves that they are eligible for the post(s). Copies of supporting documents will be sought at the time of Document Verification. When scrutiny is undertaken, if any claim made in the application is not found substantiated, the candidature will be cancelled and the Department’s decision shall be final.

Closing Date:- The facility of online application will be available at 10/01/2024 at 11:00 AM to 31/01/2024 at 12:00 Midnight. No Physical copy of application shall be entertained.



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Dhalendra Kothale

Dhalendra Kothale

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