Pharmaceutical Chemistry MCQs based on DPEE D. Pharma 1st Year

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1. Head quarter of Indian Pharmacopoeia commission is

(a) Delhi

(b) Hyderabad

(c) Mumbai

(d) Ghaziabad

2. Radio pharmaceutical monographs are included in ……… edition of Indian Pharmacopoeia.

(a) 2010

(b) 2014

(c) 2017

(d) All of the above

3. Third edition of IP was reconstituted under the chairmanship of ………..

(a) B.N. Ghosa

(b) B. Mukarji

(c) RN. Chopra

(d) Nityanand

4. Indian Pharmacopoeia is published by

(a) Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission

(b) Indian Pharmacopoeia Committee

(c) IPS

(d) None of the above

5. One of the following is not part of Monograph.

(a) Assay

(b) Molecular formula

(c) storage

(d) None of the above

6. ……… denotes the difference between measured and true value.

(a) Difference

(b) Mistake

(c) Inaccuracy

 (d) Error

7. Errors could be minimized by understanding its

(a) Amplitude

(b) Difference

(c) Magnitude

(d) Margin

8. Which one of the following is not a type of error?

(a) Systematic error

(b) Random error

(c) Gross error

(e) Significant error

9. Which one of the following is not a source of systematic error?

(a) Errors produced during sampling

(b) Incorrect concentration of titrant

 (c) Presence of bubbles in burettes

(d) Incorrect formulae used for calculation

9. Which one of the following is not a source of gross error?

(a) Notation mistakes

(b) Calculation errors

(c) Less trained operators

(d) Transcription errors

10. …………errors are constant or change slightly by consistent fault during the analysis.

(a) Determinate:

(b) Random

(c) Gross

(d) Indeterminate

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11. The number of gm equivalent of the solute per litre of solution is known as:

(a) Normality

(b) Molarity

(c) Molality

(d) Mole fraction

12. The number of gm mole of the solute per litre of the solution in known as:

(a) Normality

(b) Molality

(c) Molarity

(d) Mole fraction

13. The number of gm mole of the solute per kg of solution is known as:

(a) Molality

(b) Normality

(c) Molarity

(d) Mole fraction

14. The number of gm of solute per 100 ml of solvent is known as:

(a) Normality

(b) Molality

(c) % weight by volume

(d) Mole fraction

15. The chemical reagent form which solution of required concertration can be prepared is:

(a) Secondary standard

(b) Concentrated solution

(c) Dilute solution

(d) Primary standard

16. In neutralization titration acid reacts with a base to form:

(a) Salt and water

(b) Neutral solution

(c) Salt and acid

(d) Concentrated solution

17. The pH of titration mixture for strong acid-strong base titration at equivalent point is:

(a) 4

(b) 7

(c) 2.7

(d) 9.2

18. The titration in which voltage or potential of the titration mixture is measured with help of redox electrode is:

(a) Precipitation titration

(b) Acid-base titration

(c) Complexometric titration

(d) Potentiometric titration

19. The titration in which there is formation of co-ordinate complex is:

(a) Precipitation titration

(b) Acid-base titration

(c) Complexometric titration

(d) Potentiometric titration

20. The indicator which is not added in titration flask but kept on a spot plate is:

(a) Self indicator

(b) External indicator

(c) Internal indicator

(d) None of these

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21. Haematinics are used in deficiency of:

(a) Iron

(b) Zinc

(c) Copper

(d) Manganese

22. Anaemia can be caused by:

(a) Excessive blood loss

(b) Excessive blood formation

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) None of these

23. The colour of dried ferrous sulphate IP is :

(a) Greyish white to buff

(b) Green

(c) Greenish blue

(d) None of these

24. The chemical formula of ferrous fumarate is :

(a) C4H2Fe04

(b) C12H14Fe012

(c) C12H22O14Fe 2H₂O

(d) FeSO4

25. The other name of ferrous sulphate is:

(a) Green vitriol

(b) Ferriselty

(c) Ferrous cervitamate

(d) Haematinic agent

26. ‘Oxa’ is used as prefix for:

(a) Oxygen

(b) Nitrogen

(c) Sulphur

(d) Hydrogen

27. N, O, S, P are known as:

(a) Hydro atoms

(b) Hetero atoms

(c) Nitroatoms

(d) Sulphono atoms

28. Another name of furan is:

(a) Thiole

(b) Oxole

(c) Azole

(d) Pyrazole

29. In which compound benzo-pyrrole ring is present?

(a) Indole

(b) Indoline

(c) Diazine

(d) Indolidine

30. Thia’ is used as a prefix for:

(a) Sulphur

(b) Oxygen

(c) Nitrogen

(d) Selenium

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31. Aza’ is used as a prefix for:

(a) Hydrogen

(b) Oxygen

(c) Nitrogen

(d) Sulphur

32. Phospha’ is used as a prefix for:

(a) Oxygen

(b) Silicon

(c) Nitrogen

(d) Phosphorus

33. Another name of thiophene is:

(a) Thiole

(b) Pyrrole

(c) Oxole

(d) Oxeran

34. 1H-azole is also called:

(a) Pyrrole

(b) Thiole

(c) Furan

(d) Oxirane

35. Pyrrole is a heterocyclic compound with a ……… ring.

(a) Five

(b) Six

(c) Seven

(d) Three

36. Drugs which are CNS depressants but does not induce sleep is called as :

(a) Hypnotics

(b) Anaesthetics

(c) Sedatives

(d) Partial anaesthesia

37. Which drug is used as a sedative in nervous insomnia, anxiety states and dysmenorrhea?

(a) Butobarbitone

(b) Benzodiazepines

(c) Phenobarbitone

(d) Glutethimde

38. Which drug is used as hypnotics and sedative?

(a) Paraldehyde

(b)Triclofos sodium

(c) Phenobarbital

(d) Sodium vaporate

39. Phenobarbitone is a

(a) Local acting barbiturates

(b) Short acting barbiturates

(c) Inter mediate acting barbiturates

(d) None of these

40. Diacepin is the brand name of

(a) Aiprazolam

(b) Diazepam

(c) Nitrazepam

(d) None of these

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41. Diazepam produced greenish yellow fluorescence with:

(a) Sulphuric acid

(b) Nitric acid

(c) Hydrochloric acid

(d) Acetic acid

42. Diazepam is in light.

(a) Stable

(b) Unstable

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) None of these

43. Brand name of Alprazoloam is

(a) Xanox

(b) Xanox-XR

(c) Niravam

(d) All of these

44. Nitrazepam is used as:

(a) Auxiolytic

(b) Sedative

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) None of these

45. Benzolin is the brand name of:

(a) Nitrazepam

(b) Diazepam

(c) Alprazolam

(d) All of these

46. Sympathomimetic drugs are useful in the therapy of all of the following conditions except.

(a) Acute decompensated heart failure

(b) Hypotension

(c) Hypertension

(d) Erectile dysfunction

47. Ephedrine is used as a ……..

(a) Mydriatic drug

(b) Miotic drug

(c) Laxative drug

(d) Antacid drug

48. Adrenaline is a hormone secreted by:

(a) Adrenal medulla

(b) Pitutiary gland

(c) Gall bladder

(d) None of these

49. Drugs which exert similar actions like adrenaline are called:

(a) Adrenergic drugs

(b) Sympathomimatic drugs

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) None to these

50. Epinephrine (Adrenaline) is an example of

(a) Acid amide

(b) Secondary amine

(c) Catecholamine

(d) None of these

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51. Levophed is the brand name of………..

(a) Norepinephrine

(b) Epinephrine

(c) Dopamine

(d) Sabutamol

52. Levorenin is the brand name of……

(a) Norepinephrine

(b) Epinephrine

(c) Salbutamop

(d) Albuterol

53. Brand name of Phenylephrine is……….

(a) Drosyn

(b) Adrianol

(c) Lexatol

(d) All of these

54. Which drug is used to relieve bronchial spasm in acute asthama?

(a) Adrenalin

(b) Salbutamol

(c) Ephedrine

(d) Cyclopentamine

55. Naphazoline is used in……….

(a) Asthama

(b) Hypotension

(c) Nasal congestion

(d) Hay fever

56. The drugs that are capable of reverting any irregular cardiac rhythm or rate to normal are called:

(a) Anti-arrhythmic drugs

(b) Anti-hypertensive agents

(c) Anti-anginal agents

(d) None of these

57. Quinidine is containing nucleus:

(a) Napthalene

(b) Pyridine

(c) Quinoline

(d) None of these

58. Natcardine is the brand name of:

(a) Quinidine

(b) Quinine

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) None of these

59. 6-methoxy cinchonan-9-ol is the chemical name of.

(a) Quinidine

(b) Quinine

(c) Atropine

(d) None of these

60. Brand name of Procainamide hydrochloride:

(a) Pronesty!

(b) Procan

(c) Procapon

(d) All of these

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61. Procainamide chloride is used in the:

(a) treatment of cardiac arrhythmiasis

(b) local anesthatic

(c) both (a) and (b)

(d) None of these

62. Molecular formula of verapamil is:

(a) C27H3N204

(b) C27H36NO2

(c) C27H38NO4

(d) C26H36N204

63. Verapamil is used in the treament of:

(a) Angina pectoris

(b) Supraventricular arrhythmias

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) None of these

64. 5, 5′-diphenyl hydantion is chemical name of:

(a) Phenytoin sodium

(b) Eptoin

(c) Dilautin

(d) All of these

65. Brand names of Lidocaine hydrochloride is :

(a) Lidocaine CX

(b) Lidopen

(c) Xylocain HCI

(d) All of these

66. …………. is a drug which accelerates the secretion of urine from the kidney.

(a) Diuretics

(b) Hypoglycemic

(c) Anti-anginal

(d) None of these

67. Diuretics are used in………

(a) Oedema

(b) Renal and liver disorders

(c) Cardiac failure

(d) All of these

68. Acetazolamide is a …….. diuretics.

(a) High-efficiency

(b) Medium

(c) Weak

(d) None of these

69. Which one is the High efficiency diuretics?

(a) Fruosemide)

(b) Bumetamide

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) None of these

70. Which of the following drugs inhibits the enzyme carbonic anhydrase?

(a) Acetazolamide

(b) Hydrochlorothiazide

(c) Fruosemide

(d) Spironolactone

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71. Lasix is a popular brand of:

(a) Fruosemide

(b) Amiloride

(c) Acetazolamide

(d) Hydrochlorothiazide

72. Which of the following is a high ceiling/loop diuretic?

(a) Acetazolamide

(b) Fruosemide

(c) Amiloride

(d) None of these

73. Brands name of furosemide is:

(a) Soluric

(b) Diuril

(c) Lasix

(d) Alurene

74. Brand names of Bumetanide:

(a) Bumex

(b) Burinex

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) None of these

75. Chlorthalidone is a ………….. derivative diuretics.

(a) Quinazolinone

(b) Isoquinolene

(c) Napthalene

(d) None of these

76. …………are used in the treatment of diabetes or increased blood sugar generally caused by the deficiency of insulin.

(a) Hypoglycemic agents

(b) Anti hypertensive agents

(c) Anti-anginal agents

(d) None of these

77. Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) is also known as:

(a) Type 1 diabetes

(b) Type 2 diabetes

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) None of these

78. Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) is also known as:

(a) Type 1 diabetes

(b) Type 2 diabetes

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) None of these

79. Insulin and its products are:

(a) Parenteral Hypoglycemic agent

(b) Oral Hypoglycemic agents

(c) Metformin

(d) Penformin

80. Brand names of Phenformin is:

(a) Metorol

(b) Sucronase in

(c) Cadicyclin

(d) Anac

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81.………. are the compounds which relieve pain:

(a) Analgesics

(b) Antipyretics

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) None of these

82. Aspirin brand name is:

(a) Bislin

(b) Achromycin

(c) Coldarin

(d) Codopyrin

83. Paracetamol is used:

(a) In treatment of hemorrhage

(b) In Palliative treatment of neoplasm of gastrointestinal tract

(c) Analgesics for relief of pain such as headache, toothache, neuralgia

(d) to treat hypoprothrombinemia

84. The drugs which are used to relieve the pain are called as:

(a) Diuretics

(b) Analgesics

(c) Diagnostic agent

(d) Vitamins

85. The drugs which are used to reduce inflammation are known as:

(a) Anti-inflammatory agents

(b) Analgesics

(c) Diuretics

(d) None of these

86. The antifungal agents are the drugs employed in the treatment of:

(a) Fungus infection

(b) Viral infection

(c) Spores’ infection

(d)Severe infection

87. ………….is a synthetic antifungal agent.

(a) Tolnaftate

(b) Undecylenic acid

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) None of these

88. Amphocare is the brand name of:

(a) Amphotericin-B

(b) Miconazole

(c) Ketoconazole

(d) None of these

89. ……….is the brand name of Griseofulvin.

(a) Miconazole

(b) Dermonorm

(c) Fungal

(d) Both (b) and (c)

90. Miconazole is a:

(a) Synthetic antifungal agent

(b) Imidazole antifungal agent

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) None of these

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91. ………….are trade name of Miconazole.

(a) Aloe Vesta

(b) Baza

(c) Micaderm

(d) All of these

92. Antibiotics are the chemical compounds produced by:

(a) Living microorganism

(b) Living things

(c) Living tissues

(d) Living virus

93. Official preparation of benzyl penicillin is

(a) Penicillin car drop

(b) Benzyl cream

(c) Benzyl penicillin ear drop

(d) Benzyl penicillin injection

94. Roscillin is a brand name of:

(a) Cloxacillin

(b) Ampicillin

(c) Cephalosporin

(d) Benzyl Penicillin

95. Chlorampenicol is used for:

(a) As mydriatic

 (b) has antihistamine properties

(c) It is applied locally for treatment of ear, eye and skin.

(d) treatment of acute mania.

96. The brand name of tetracycline is:

(a) Powerin.

(b) Aspro

(c) Diaformin

(d) Enterocyclin

97. An antineoplastic agent acting by folate antagonism and having a Pteridine ring is:

(a) Trimethoprim

(b) Mercaptopurine

(c) Methorexate

(d) folic acid

98. The metabolite of anti-cancer cyclophosphamide is:

(a) N-ethoxy cyclophosphamide

(b) N-methyl cyclophosphamide

(c) H-Hydroxy cyclophosphamide

(d) N-acetyl cyclophosphamide

99. Which one of these antineoplastic drugs contains Platinum?

(a) Nitrogen mustard

(b) Cisplatin

(c) Busulphan

(d) Daunorubicin

100. Drugs used in the treatment of cancer are known as:

(a) Anticancer drugs

(b) Antineoplastic drugs

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) None of the above

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Dhalendra Kothale

Dhalendra Kothale

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