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Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for a Junior Research Fellow (JRF) position in ICMRAdhoc funded project to be undertaken at the Department of Medical Devices, NIPER- Ahmedabad. The position is temporary, and the job offer will be initially for one year which can be extended further for two more years based on the performance and will be a co-terminus with the project. If the JRF fulfills the institute criteria, admission in Ph.D. through NIPER entrance may be considered. The requisite qualification & experience etc., are given below.

Post Name: JRF (1 Post)

Project Title: Fiber Reinforced Poly (l-lactic acid) for the Fabrication of Bioabsorbable, and Antibiotic Surgical Staples for Wound Closing

Project-Coordinator and Co-Investigator: Dr. Govinda Kapusetti and Dr. Rajesh Kumar Nadiminti. Email:,

Funding Agency: ICMR

Salary: Rs. 31000 + HRA (1st and 2nd year), and 35000 + HRA for 3rd year

Desirables Qualification and Experience:

M.Tech/M.S(Pharm)/MPharm/M.Sc./Masters degree in Medical Device, Biomedical Engineering, Bioengineering, Material Science and Technology, Polymer Science, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Biotechnology, Nanoscience/Engineering, or Equivalent with minimum 60% marks in degree.

Candidates having experience in animal handling and management background will be given preference.

NET/GATE qualification is desirable

Date and time of the Interview: Shortlisted candidates would be intimated by e-mail for the interview

Interested candidates should send their applications strictly in the attached application format via email to the Registrar, NIPER-A ( with a copy to the investigators on Email id (, on or before 13th February 2023. Please write “Application for JRF” in the subject line of the email.

Application Instructions:

  • Original certificates and self-attested copies of all certificates need to be presented before the interview for verification.
  • No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview if called for a physical interview.
  • Canvassing in any form will lead to the disqualification of candidature.
  • The application should be strictly according to the attached format.

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Dhalendra Kothale

Dhalendra Kothale

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