Coding & Decoding

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Coding & Decoding – 

1. (b); The letters at the odd-numbered positions in the word are each moved two steps forward while those at the even-numbered positions are each moved three steps forward to obtain the corresponding letters of the code.

2. (d); The first, third and fifth letters of the word are each moved two, three and four steps forward respectively while the second, fourth and sixth letters are moved two, three and four steps backward respectively to obtain the corresponding letters of the code.

3. (c); The first letter of the word is replaced by a set of two letters-one following it and the other preceding it-in the code. The remaining letters of the word are each moved one step backward to obtain the remaining letters of the code, in order.

4. (d); The middle letter remains unaltered in the code. Let us label the five letters before the middle letter as well as those after it, from 1 to 5. Then, the
code contains the letters of each group in the order, 5, 4, 1, 3, 2. Thus we have:

12345  12345         54132  54132

5. (b); Each letter of the word except the first and last letters, is moved one step forward and then the order of the letter is obtained, is reversed to get the code.

6. (d); The letters in the first half and second half of the word are written in the reverse order and then each letter of the group so obtained is moved one step forward to get the code. Thus, we have: SILVER SIL/VER→LIS/REV→MJT/SFW

7. (c); The letters in the first half and second half of the word are written in the reverse order and in the group of letters so obtained each letter in the first half is moved one step forward while in the second half is moved one step backward, to get the code. Thus, we have: STABILISED STABI/LISED⇒IBATS/DESIL→JCBUT/CDRHK

8. (a): The letters of the first half and the second half the words are written in the reverse order and then in the group of letters so obtained, the first, third, fifth and seventh letters are each moved one step forward while the second, fourth, sixth and eighth letters are each moved one step backward to get the code.

9. (d); The letters of the word are written in the reverse order and in the group of letters so obtained, the first, third, fifth letters are each moved three steps forward while the second and fourth letters are each moved one step backward to get the code.

10. (c); KRN REAS SP C08 E01 135 S01

11. (b); Capture 68

12. (d); The coding process is as follows:

  • M (13) is coded to N (14): +1 shift
  • A (1) is coded to Z (26): -1 shift
  • D (4) is coded to E (5): +1 shift
  • R (18) is coded to Q (17): -1 shift
  • A (1) is coded to B (2): +1 shift
  • S (19) is coded to R (18): -1 shift

The pattern alternates between +1 and -1 shifts for each letter.

Now, let’s apply the same pattern to “CALCUTTA.”

  • C (3) +1 becomes D (4)
  • A (1) -1 becomes Z (26)
  • L (12) +1 becomes M (13)
  • C (3) -1 becomes B (2)
  • U (21) +1 becomes V (22)
  • T (20) -1 becomes S (19)
  • T (20) +1 becomes U (21)
  • A (1) -1 becomes Z (26)

So, “CALCUTTA” is coded as “DZMBVSUZ.”

13. (a); Each letter of the word BROWN has been code two letters behind in the alphabetic order. So code of VIOLET is TGMJCR.

14. (d); Capture 70 Capture1 1

15. (c); compare UNDER and DEAF you see that DE is common and in code “52” is common in same pattern you find that code as follows:
download 14

16. (a); from given code we find that code of PNKLQ will be “59134”

17. (c); So ARTERY is coded as 9%7#%8

T → 7 P → $ A → 9
R → % R → % R → %
E → # E → # T → 7
A → 9 Y → 8 E → #
D → 4   R → %
    Y → 8

18. (b); from reverse order each letter change to its next letter. so PRITY is coded ZUJSQ.

Logic (19-24): Each word of the series is rearrange in reverse order.

19. (b); REBMUN

20. (a); EDIVORP

21. (d); YAJNAS

22. (d); TSRIF

23. (d); HBARUAS

24. (b); LIHKIN

Logic (25-30): Each constant in series change to next letter while each vowel change to two letter next. So,

25. (a); COWQ

26. (b); TQOCM

27. (c); CEKUZC

28. (a); OWUCO

29. (c); NCEIW

30. (b); NCOQK

31. (a); The first letter of the word is moved one step forward to obtain the first letter of the code, while the other letters remain unaltered.

32. (b); Each letter in the word is moved one step forward to obtain the corresponding letter of the code.

33. (a); Each letter in the word is moved one step backward to obtain the corresponding letter of the code.

34. (b); Each letter in the word, except the middle letter, is moved one step backward while the middle letter is moved one step forward to obtain the corresponding letter of the code.

35. (b); Each letter in the word is moved three steps forward to obtain the corresponding letter of the code.

36. (c); Each of the first four letters in the word is moved one step backward, while each of the last five letters is moved one step forward to obtain the corresponding letter of the code.

37. (b); Each first, third, and fifth letters are moved one step backward, while the second, fourth, and sixth letters are moved one step forward to obtain the corresponding letter of the code.

38. (b); The first letter of the word is moved one step backward, while the two middle letters are each moved one step forward to obtain the corresponding letters of the code.

39. (a); The first, third, fifth, seventh, ninth, and eleventh letters in the word are each moved one step forward; the second, fourth, eighth, and tenth letters are each moved one step backward, while the middle (i.e., sixth) letter is moved two steps forward to obtain the corresponding letters of the code.

40. (a); Each letter in the word is moved two steps backward to obtain the corresponding letter of the code

41. (c);


The letters in EARN are rearranged in reverse order to form RANE.

Similarly, BOND is reversed, and we get NODB.
The key here is that each word is reversed to form the corresponding word in the pair.

If you reverse the letters of TEAR, you get RAET.
So, the relationship is that TEAR is related to RAET, by reversing the letters of the word TEAR.

42. (d);
P → R (+2), A → D (+3), G → I (+2), E → H (+3), S → U (+2)
W → Y (+2), R → U (+3), I → K (+2), T → W (+3), E → G (+2)
Apply the same to OTHER:
O → Q (+2), T → W (+3), H → J (+2), E → H (+3), R → T (+2)
So, OTHER becomes QWJHT.

43. (c);SPORADIC is coded as QNORDJEB using specific letter shifts:
S → Q (−2)
P → N (−2)
O → O (no change)
R → R (no change)
A → D (+3)
D → J (+6)
I → E (−4)
C → B (−1)
Applying the Same to TROUBLES:
T → T (no change)
R → N (−4)
O → Q (+2)
U → S (−2)
B → T (+3)
L → F (+6)
E → M (−4)
S → C (−1)
So, TROUBLES is coded as TNQSTFMC.

44. (a);

LJ: ← 2
AC: → 2
WU: ← 2
NP: → 2

SQ: ← 2
LN: → 2
IG: ← 2
TV: → 2

SF: back 13

AU: forward 20
TB: back 18
EH: forward 3
LT: forward 8
LL: no change
ID: back 5
TS: back 1
EH: forward 3

LD: back 8

AO: forward 14
UB: back 4
NC: back 11
CF: forward 3
HM: forward 5
IG: back 1
NH: back 1
GO: forward 8

F → Z (back 4), O → S (forward 4), R → X (forward 6), M → T (forward 7), A → J (forward 9), T → O (back 5), I → B (back 6), O → S (forward 4), N → L (back 2).

R → X (forward 6), A → J (forward 9), C → N (forward 11), I → B (back 6), A → J (forward 9), L → Q (forward 5).

R → X (forward 6), A → J (forward 9), T → O (forward 7), I → B (back 6), O → S (forward 4), N → L (back 2).

47. (b);KINETIC is split into two parts: KIN and ETIC.
The first part KIN is moved to the end, and the second part ETIC is modified by reversing the order and inserting a D in between, forming TIC + D + KIN.
Now, applying this logic to MACHINE:
– Split MACHINE into MAC and HINE.
– Move HINE to the front and reverse it, becoming ENIH.
– Place MAC at the end.
So, it becomes INEGMAC.

48. (d); 73a8ded5cf824948b83032c881c39023

49. (a); A=1
BAN (2+1+14) = 17
INDIA (9+14+4+9+1)=37

50. (a); If Y-2
Codes are given in reverse sense,

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Dhalendra Kothale

Dhalendra Kothale

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