Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya invites online applications for admission to Ph. D Programmes (VRET 2023-24) – Apply Now

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Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya invites online applications for admission to programmes leading to Doctor of Philosophy Degree (herein after referred to as the Ph. D. Degree) in various disciplines as given in Section – A, Table-1. Admissions shall be done as per University Ph.D. Regulations 2023 and as decided by the Academic Council of the University from time to time in accordance with the UGC minimum qualification for Ph.D. Regulations. The admission to the said programme shall be made (a) through the Online Vishwavidyalaya Research Entrance Test (VRET) to be conducted on 22.12.2023 and (b) directly under the VRET exempted category.


A candidate shall be permitted to pursue research for the Ph.D. degree in the subject in which he/she appears for test/interview and he/she will be allowed to register him/her-self as Ph. D. students in the same subject/discipline. PG Subjects/discipline shall not be a bar for appearing in test/interview.

Disciplines in which Online VRET shall be conducted by the University for session 2023-24:

Program Name

Ph. D


Pharmaceutical Science

No. of Seats

22 (UR-20; EWS-02)


Disciplines in which VRET-Exempted seats are available for which test shall not be conducted by the University for session 2023-24:

Program Name

Ph. D


Pharmaceutical Science

No. of Seats

47 (UR-24; SC-07; ST-04; OBC-08; EWS-04)


(i) For VRET Category: The following are eligible to seek admission to the Ph.D. programme:
a. Candidates who have completed: (i) A 1-year/2-semester master’s degree programme after a 4-year/8-semester bachelor’s degree programme or a 2-year/4-semester master’s degree programme after a 3-year bachelor’s degree programme or qualifications declared equivalent to the master’s degree by the corresponding statutory regulatory
body, with at least 55% marks in aggregate or its equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed or equivalent qualification from a foreign educational institution accredited by an assessment and accreditation agency which is approved, recognized or authorized by an authority, established or incorporated under a law in its home country or any other statutory authority in that country to assess, accredit or assure quality and standards of the educational institution.
A relaxation of 5% marks or its equivalent grade may be allowed for those belonging to SC/ST/OBC (non-creamy layer)/Differently-Abled, Economically Weaker Section (EWS) and other categories of candidates as per the decision of the Commission from time to time. Provided that a candidate seeking admission after a 4-year/8-semester bachelor’s degree programme should have aminimum of 75% marks in aggregate or its equivalent grade on a point scale wherever the grading system is followed. A relaxation of 5% marks or its equivalent grade may be allowed for those belonging to SC/ST/OBC (noncreamy layer)/Differently-Abled, Economically Weaker Section (EWS) and other categories of candidates as per the decision of the Commission from time to time.
b. Candidates who have completed the M.Phil. programme with at least 55% marks in aggregate or its equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed or equivalent qualification from a foreign educational institution accredited by an assessment and accreditation agency which is approved, recognized or authorized by an authority, established or incorporated under a law in its home country or any other statutory authority in that country to assess, accredit or assure quality and standards of educational institutions, shall be eligible for admission to the Ph.D. programme. A relaxation of 5% marks or its equivalent grade may be allowed for those belonging to SC/ST/OBC (non-creamy layer)/Differently-Abled, Economically Weaker Section (EWS) and other categories of candidates as per the decision of the Commission from time to time.
(ii) For VRET Exempted (in addition to B (i))-
a. Permanent/Regular teachers having appointment on substantive posts in the Teaching departments of the Universities or colleges who have completed their probation successfully with an experience of at least two years of uninterrupted service would be considered under this category.
b. International students having eligibility as mentioned above or sponsored by the concerned embassy and having appropriate fellowship will be exempted from test, subject to the general rules framed by the Government of India from time to time and as applicable to the University with regard to the admission etc. “Indian Nationals working in abroad on working VISA, having educational qualification as mentioned in admission notice and having one-year continuous experience in abroad may apply under VRET exempted Category as International Students”.
c. Applicants who have qualified for fellowship/scholarship in UGC-JRF, CSIR-JRF, DBT-JRF, DSTINSPIRE applicants (with fellowship), AICTE Fellowship, GATE/GPAT/CEED and similar National level tests (with fellowship) or any such applicants who belongs to this category as per UGC notifications from time to time. Applicants who have qualified for NET (LS/AP) and similar National Level Tests (without fellowship) as per UGC notifications from time to time will be considered under exempted category.
d. Working professionals/non-teaching staff fulfill eligibility criteria as mentioned above and who have got No Objection Certificate from the appropriate authority in the organization where the candidate is employed.
e. Working professionals / non-teaching staff such as academicians/officers/executive staff /Scientists / non-teaching staff working in Government/Private organizations, who fulfils eligibility criteria as mentioned above and who possess valid No-Objection Certificate and sponsor letter from the appropriate authority in the organization where the candidate is employed. Also who have completed their probation successfully with an experience of at least two years of uninterrupted service would be considered under this category.

1. Applicants must satisfy himself/herself about fulfilling the minimum eligibility requirements as prescribed above before filling the online Application Form.
2. Admission of International students in Ph.D. programmei. Each supervisor can guide up to two international research scholars on a supernumerary basis over and above the permitted number of Ph.D. scholars as specified above.
ii. Selection procedure for Ph.D. admission of international students keeping in view the guidelines/norms in this regard issued by statutory/regulatory bodies concerned from time to time are as prescribed in Schedule 1 of Ph. D. Regulations.
3. Ph.D. through Part-time Mode for Working Professionals –
a. Ph.D. programmes through part-time mode will be permitted, provided all the conditions stipulated in Ph. D. Regulations are fulfilled.
b. The Department concerned shall obtain a “No Objection Certificate” in the Prescribed Format (Annexure-2) through the candidate for a part-time Ph.D. programme from the appropriate authority in the organization where the candidate is employed, clearly stating that:
i. The candidate is permitted to pursue studies on a part-time basis.
ii. His/her official duties permit him/her to devote sufficient time for research.
iii. If required, he/she will be relieved from the duty to complete the course work.

(i) An applicant who satisfies the requirements mentioned in Section B should apply online for VRET/VRET (Exempted). The application shall be submitted online only.
(ii) Application Forms of applicants who have submitted forged/fake information or adopted fraudulent means shall be REJECTED without any intimation to the applicants. Further, such applicants shall be debarred from appearing in any subsequent Entrance Tests conducted by GGV.
(iii) Applicants are allowed to appear at the O n l i n e VRET provisionally subject to the final verification of Mark sheets/Degrees/certificates, validity of certificates/Mark sheets of Qualifying Examination and also of involvement in the adoption of unfair means in any of the University Examination/Entrance Tests held earlier, at the time of admission. Degrees/certificates recognized by Association of Indian Universities (AIU) shall only be deemed as equivalent degrees/certificates. The Distance Education Council of India/Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU)/Association of Indian Universities (AIU) are the only authority to recognize the Degrees/certificates of Distance Education. Such Applicants are provisionally permitted to appear in the VRET and will be required to submit certificates from Distance Education Council of IGNOU, New Delhi regarding recognition/approval of the courses.
(iv) Mere appearance in the Online Entrance Test or securing a place in merit at the Test does not entitle an applicant to be considered for admission to a discipline unless he/she fulfils the eligibility conditions. APPLICANTS MUST FULLY SATISFY THEMSELVES ABOUT THEIR ELIGIBILITY AS PRESCRIBED ABOVE, BEFORE FILLING THE APPLICATION FORM. If an applicant is inadvertently allowed to appear at the Online Entrance Test who otherwise does not fulfill the minimum eligibility requirements, he/she cannot, at a later date, use that as a right to claim that he/she meets the eligibility requirements.
The University reserves the right to cancel/refuse admission at any point of time if it is found that:
(a) Minimum eligibility requirements are not fulfilled.
(b) False documentation has been done.
(c) Any other similar valid reason.
(v) Applicants appearing at the Online VRET shall be subject to Rules, Regulations and Ordinances relating to the University examinations. Applicants found adopting unfair means shall be liable to punishment as per University rules.
(vi) (a) In case of any dispute relating to the VRET/admission to Ph.D., the decision of the University shall be final. An appeal may lie to the Vice-Chancellor, GGV against such decision. In no case any applicant shall take recourse to the court of law directly. (b) In case of any litigation relating to the VRET/admission to Ph.D. course, the District Court of Bilaspur and the High Court of Judicature of Bilaspur shall only have the jurisdiction.
(vii) No TA/DA will be paid to applicants for appearing in Online Entrance Test/Interview.

Applicant desirous of appearing in Online VRET or VRET (Exempted Category) shall pay the Fee of Rs.1500/- in case of General/OBC/EWS and Rs.750/- in case of SC/ST/PWD Category and shall be paid through online mode only.

Important dates

Start of Online Application Process


Last date of submission of online application


Mock Test

21.12.2023, 11.00AM

Online Vishwavidyalaya Research Entrance Test (VRET) for Ph.D. Programme

22.12.2023 11.00AM

Declaration of Results of VRET

02.01.2024, 05.00PM

Interviews/Presentation (Tentative)

16.01.2024 to 25.01.2024




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Dhalendra Kothale

Dhalendra Kothale

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