Category: Pharma News

At one year in the ADAPT research, the MiniMed 780G system outperforms numerous daily injections with CGM for the management of type 1 diabetes.

The performance of the MiniMed 780G advanced hybrid closed loop system (AHCL) versus multiple daily insulin injections (MDI) with an intermittently scanned CGM was compared in the first multi-national randomised controlled study, or “ADAPT,” conducted by Medtronic plc, the world…

IISc researchers develop novel brain imaging technology to find cell components that are now undetectable to microscopes.

Researchers from the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bengaluru demonstrate how a brain-inspired image sensor can identify minute items like cellular components or nanoparticles that are undetectable to modern microscopes by going beyond the diffraction limit of light. Their ground-breaking…

To accelerate the research and development of medical devices for commercialization, the ICMR has shortlisted three companies for the mPRiDE initiative.

The Product Ignition & Development Enabler (mPRiDE) programme of the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has shortlisted three companies: Udyog Yantra Technologies Pvt Ltd, LVP Eye Innovations, Hyderabad, and Evelabs Technologies Pvt Ltd, Kollam. The programme aims to accelerate…

ICMR has issued an invitation to makers of vaccines to formulate a vaccine against Kyasanur Forest Disease

The Kyasanur Forest Disease Vaccine (KFDV) isolate will be used in R&D activities by experienced vaccine manufacturers, pharmaceutical corporations, and research and development organisations for the development of a vaccine against KFD and its manufacture or commercialization. In order to…

Once-weekly Altuviiio, a new kind of factor VIII therapy for haemophilia A that provides considerable bleed prevention, has been approved by the US FDA.

Altuviiio [Antihemophilic Factor (Recombinant), Fc-VWF-XTEN Fusion Protein-ehtl], formerly known as efanesoctocog alfa, is a first-in-class, highly sustained factor VIII replacement therapy that has received FDA approval. For both adults and children with haemophilia A, the use of altuviiio is recommended…

IPA ने केंद्र से Pharmacy अधिनियम की धारा 42 (A) और D & C अधिनियम के नियम 65 को लागू करने के लिए कहा

The Indian Pharmaceutical Association (IPA) urged the union health ministry to speed up efforts to implement Section 42(a) of the Pharmacy Act 1947 and Rule 65 of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act 1945 in the pharmaceutical trade sector in order…

एनपीपीए नए scheduled drugs के अलग-अलग brands के दवाईयों के दाम में बदलाव का मुद्दा बताया उनके सेलिंग तय करते हुए

The Drugs (Prices Control) Order (DPCO), 2013, and its existing reference have led the National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA) to decide to set a price cap on newly scheduled medications from the same manufacturer with significant inter-brand price variation at…

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