Recruitment of Pharmacist (22 Post) under District Health Samiti

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Recruitment of ANM and other paramedical personnel for the operation of various health institutions, newly constructed non-created health institutions and newly proposed malnutrition treatment centers under District Latehar. No. Keeping in view the requirement, on the basis of contract / contract, provisionally and temporarily, for the selection / appointment of para workers and other block and district level posts mentioned below on the basis of need.

Name of Post: Pharmacist

No. of Post: 22


  • Degree/ Diploma in Pharmacy.
  • 02 year experience in managing drug store in a reputed hospital/ health centre after passing of Pharmacy course.
  • Registered under Jharkhand Pharmacy Council.

Salary: Rs. 10,450/-

Age Limit: 18 to 43 Years

Application Fees: No fees charged for the application.

Conditions of Selection:

  1. The application form will be acceptable only through registered post / speed post. The appointed personnel will not be employed, rather they will be contracted to work against the approved honorarium on the basis of contract. This appointment is absolutely need based and temporary. The service can be terminated at any time due to non-availability of funds / non-requirement.
  2. It will be mandatory for the applicant to attach an Indemnity Bond on nonjudicial stamp paper of minimum Rs.10 with the representation that they will not claim regular appointment after appointment on contract/agreement basis.
  3. The contract will be admissible for one year, as per requirement it can be extended on the basis of Attendance/Performance in one year. Regarding contract extension, the guidelines of District Mineral Foundation Trust (DMFT) Latehar will have to be followed.
  4. If the work is not satisfactory, the contract can be terminated by giving one month’s notice / one month’s advance honorarium.
  5. Candidates who will submit CGPA Score Card for Educational Qualification will also enclose CGPA Conversion Chart along with Mark Sheet.
  6. The applicant must attach self-attested photocopies of all educational and technical certificates (with two additional passport size photographs) along with his application. Also, along with the application, it will be mandatory to attach a plain envelope with postal stamp of Rs.25/- on which the correspondence address will be mentioned.
  7. The decision of the District Selection Committee, Latehar will be final and binding in the recruitment process.
  8. The selection committee will reserve the right to amend the terms of the advertisement / cancel the advertisement as per the requirement.
  9. No personal correspondence / contact will be valid regarding the appointment.
  10. In order of selection/appointment against the vacancies, the reservation roster circulated/prescribed by the Department of Personnel, Administrative Reforms and Official Language, Jharkhand was complied with. will go. In the direct recruitment posts, the unreserved category posts will be filled first according to the merit list. Only after this the reserved category posts will be filled as per merit list. The benefit of reservation subject to the economically weaker section of citizens issued by the competent authority
  11. “Income and asset certificate can be obtained by presenting. Proof of claim of the candidate as a member of the class of economically weaker citizens, in the prescribed form (Appendix-VI) issued by the Deputy Commissioner / Sub-Divisional Officer / Zonal Officer and Property certificate will be valid.
  12. Caste certificate issued from the level of the competent authority will have to be attached in the light of the resolution/notification issued from the level of the concerned competent departments till the update for the benefit of caste reservation.
  13. According to the guidelines issued by the government for reservation, the horizontal reservation payable on the vacant posts mentioned in the advertisement published for selection will be effective.
  14. If the information given by the applicant in the application/certificate attached with the application is found to be wrong/fake, the candidature of the applicant can be canceled at any stage and legal action can be taken against the concerned applicant as per rules.
  15. Applicant has to attach separate application form for submitting application for more than one post and in case of submitting application for more than one post, it will be mandatory to mention it in the application form.

Selection Process:

  1. Candidates will be selected on the basis of educational / technical qualification / work experience. Whose determination will be done according to the decision of the District Selection Committee. The District Selection Committee will reserve the right to amend the merit list / selection list.
  2. Experience Certificate: Only work experience certificate issued by government/recognized medical institutions will be valid. Candidates must attach the Salary Slip and Bank Statement of the institution for which they will attach the experience certificate, otherwise the experience will not be counted.
  3. The finally prepared selection/waiting list will be published on the office notice board of Civil Surgeon Office/Deputy Development Commissioner Latehar/Deputy Commissioner Latehar. As per requirement, this information will also be given in the newspaper/latehar district website.

Correspondence address for sending the application:

  • Civil Surgeon-cum-Chief Medical Officer Latehar. Sadar Hospital Complex, Latehar (Jharkhand) Pin No. 0-829206
  • Applicants may send the application complete in all respects in a closed envelope through registered post/ speed post to the above-mentioned address. On sending/ submitting the application form to any other office, their application will automatically be considered canceled. The advertisement number and the name of the post applied for should be mentioned on the envelope. If the information of the post applied for is not mentioned, the related application will be rejected.

Last Date: 3rd May 2023

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Dhalendra Kothale

Dhalendra Kothale

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