Vacancy for Pharmacist and Junior Analytical Assistant (256 Post) under HSSC – Government Job

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Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC) is constituted by Haryana Government for the recruitment of Group C and D Services. The Commission has been constituted with the purpose of recruiting capable, competent and highly skilled individuals by conducting various examinations for different posts. The Commission is committed to develop selection and recruitment procedures that confirm to the global standards in testing and promise selections by all fair means, of the most competent, capable and skilled individuals for user departments. It consists of five Members including Chairman appointed by the Haryana Govt. on the recommendation of a collegium consisting of a Minister of Cabinet Rank, Chief Secretary to Govt. of Haryana, Legal Remembrance and Secretary to Govt. Haryana, Law and Legislative Department. The Chairman/Member shall ceased to be Chairman or Member of the Commission on attaining the age of 68 & 65 years respectively.

Post Name: Pharmacist, Junior Analytical Assistant

Group: 15

Pharmacist Post

Department: DHBVN

Pay Scale: Level 6

No. of Post: 09 (Gen-5; BCA-01; BCB-01; EWS-01; ESM Gen-01)

Essential Qualification:

i) Matriculation or equivalent examination with science from Haryana Education Board or any other Education Board or University recognised by the State Government of Haryana.
ii) Having a Diploma in Pharmacy from an institution recognised by the State Government of Haryana.
Note:- The persons having higher qualifications and experience will be preferred.

Pharmacist Post

Department: ESI health care

Pay Scale: Level 6

No. of Post: 133 (Gen-30; SC-25; BCA-17; BCB-07; EWS-33; ESM Gen-10; ESM SC-04; ESM BCA-03; ESM BCB-04 )

Essential Qualification:

i) 10+2 with Science physics and chemistry
ii) Diploma from recognised institutions that is recognised by Haryana Govt.
iii) Registered as a Pharmacist with Haryana Pharmacy Council (HPC)

Junior Analytical Assistant

Department: Food & Drugs (Admn.)

Pay Scale: Level 6

No. of Post: 06 (Gen-01; SC-01; BCA-02; BCB-01; ESM Gen-01)

Essential Qualification: B. Pharmacy with minimum 50% marks or B.Sc. with Chemistry


Department: Health

Pay Scale: Level 6

No. of Post: 108 (Gen-38; SC-19; BCA-15; BCB-09; EWS-10; ESM Gen-09; ESM SC-03; ESM BCA-02; ESM BCB-03)

Essential Qualification:

i) 10+2 with Science physics and chemistry
ii) Bachelor in Pharmacy (Four Years Degree) or Bachelor in Pharmacy (Practice) or Pharma D. (Six Years Degree) from Pandit Bhagwat Dayal Sharma University of Health Sciences, Rohtak or any other institution recognised by the Haryana Government;
iii) At least six months training as Pharmacist in Pharmacy, injections, dressing and indoor in a recognised Hospital;
iv) Registered as a Pharmacist with the Haryana State Pharmacy Council under section 31(a) or 31(c) or 31 (a) of the Pharmacy Act. 1948 as applicable to Haryana State.

Age : 18-42 for all categories
Relaxation in Age
A) In accordance with public notice dated 11.05.2022, age shall be relaxed for those posts only which were withdrawn by the Commission on 13.01.2022 and only for those candidates who had applied against the said cancelled posts and who have now qualified CET-2022 for Group-C (withdrawal notice dated 13.01.2022 and public notice dated 11.05.2022 are attached at Appendices-E & F)
(B) As per Haryana Govt. Instructions No. 22/06/2021-1GS-III, Dated 25th March, 2022, benefit of relaxation in upper age limit, applicable to various categories, is as follows:
(i) Where the upper age limit is 42 years without any relaxation in age the same shall not exceed 52 years for the applicants who are entitled to get the benefit of relaxation in age of one or more categories under various circumstances mentioned below
• Scheduled Castes : 5 years’ relaxation in age
• Backward Classes : 5 years’ relaxation in age
• Wives of military personnel who are disabled while in military service : 5 years’ relaxation in age
• Widowed or legally divorced women : 5 years’ relaxation in age
• Judicially separated women residing separately for more than two years from the date as prescribed for the purpose of age for applicants of other categories : 5 years’ relaxation in age
• Unmarried women : 5 years’ relaxation in age
• Disabled persons who covered under the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016. : (i) 10 years’ relaxation in age (+5 years if PwD applicant belongs to S/Caste, S/Tribe, B/Classes, EWS Category) subject to maximum 52 years, for Group C & D Posts, and also for Group A & B Posts where recruitment is made otherwise than through open competitive examination.
(ii) 5 years’ relaxation in age (+5 years if PwD applicant belongs to S/Caste, S/Tribe, B/Classes, EWS Category (subject to maximum 52 years) for Group A &B posts where recruitment is made through open competitive examination. Note:- Relaxation in age limit shall be applicable irrespective of the fact whether the post is reserved for PwD or not, provided the post is identified suitable for persons with disabilities.
Note 1. For appointment of an ex-serviceman to a post of Group A, B, C or D, his age will be calculated keeping in view the actual age minus (actual period of military service plus upto three years of break, if any, between military and civil service). If the resultant age does not exceed the maximum age limit, including the number of years of any other relaxation in age admissible to him, prescribed for the post for which he is seeking appointment he shall be deemed to satisfy the condition regarding age limit.
Note 2.- The upper age limit of an applicant of any category (except Ex-servicemen) shall not exceed 52 years who is entitled to avail the benefit of relaxation in age of one or more of the categories mentioned above.
Note 3.- The experience certificate(s) of equivalent post issued by the Appointing Authority of respective Department/Board/ Corporation/Government aided Institutions only shall be valid. Before grant of benefit of relaxation in age, the experience certificate(s) shall be got verified by the HPSC/HSSC from the concerned Appointing Authority (ies). (ii). Age relaxation is not admissible to sons, daughters and dependents of Ex-servicemen.

Important Guidelines:-
1. Proforma/Formats for certificates are available as Annexure-I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX & X to this advertisement.
2. Claim under the socio economic criteria, if any, shall be admissible to those candidates only, who would fill the details of the requisite certificate i.e. name of issuing authority, date of issue and reference no. etc. and also upload the requisite valid original certificate/document along with their application in support of their claim failing which, no benefits shall be considered after last date of filling online applications.

3. Claim of reservation etc., if any, shall be admissible to those candidates only, who upload the requisite valid original certificate along with their application in support of their claim.
4. The benefit of reservation will be given only to those SC/BCA/BCB/EWS and ESM candidates who are domicile of Haryana State.
5. Disabled-ESM/Dependent of Disabled-ESM/ESM self/Dependent of ESM/ Dependent of Freedom Fighter candidates shall be required to produce the Certificate duly issued by their respective competent authority and submit the same whenever called upon to do so by Haryana Staff Selection Commission.
6. Qualifications and other term and conditions of eligibility will be determined with regard to the last date fixed for receipt of online applications also termed as closing date.
7. No Individual information at any stage shall be sent separately and hence, all candidates are advised to visit the HSSC Website & Public Notices in different Newspapers regularly.
8. The reserved category candidates belonging to other States will compete against the posts meant for general category and will be considered as general category candidates as there is no reservation available for them.
10. If on verification at any stage, it is found that any candidate does not fulfill any of the eligibility condition(s) or it is found that the information furnished is false or incorrect, his/her candidature will be cancelled and he/she will also be liable to be criminally prosecuted. This is irrespective of whether the candidate was benefitted from that particular false/incorrect information.
11. Candidates having Degrees/Diploma/Certificates from Board/Institution/University which are not recognized by Haryana Government will not be eligible.
12. In case of any guidance/information/clarification regarding the online filling of the application form and Advertisement, the candidates may call at helpline No. 0172- 5143700 on all working days from 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.

How to apply
1. Online applications shall be invited for direct recruitment of Group-C posts in various Departments/Boards/Corporations/Commissions etc.
2. Please read the advertisement, instructions and procedure carefully before you start filling the online application form and check all the particulars filled up in application form after getting the printout to ensure the correctness of information and upload all documents before finally submitting the application. Apply online well in advance without waiting for last date of submission of online application form. Before submission of the online application, candidates must check that they have filled correct details in each field of the form. After closing date of application, no change/ correction/modification will be allowed under any circumstances. Requests received in this regard in any form like Post, Fax, Email, by hand etc. shall not be entertained and shall be deemed to be rejected.
3. After successful submission of application, candidates are advised to take final print out of application form for record along with uploaded documents.
4. The hard copy of application form along with all uploaded documents must be brought at the time when called upon to do so by Haryana Staff Selection Commission. Documents which have not been uploaded shall not be entertained. However, HSSC may ask an additional paper in support of already submitted document for more clarity, if required.
5. No request for change of any particular on the application form shall be entertained by the Haryana Staff Selection Commission after final submission.
6. No offline application form or copy of downloaded application form will be accepted by the Haryana Staff Selection Commission.
7. Candidates who do not fulfill the qualifications/eligibility conditions on cutoff date, their application shall not be accepted by the online application system. All the Certificates/Documents relating to educational qualification/eligibility conditions, Socio- Economic Criteria & experience etc. will be determined with regard to last date fixed to apply online applications.
8. The Commission does not scrutinize the documents at the time of submission of online application and the same are checked only at the time of Scrutiny of documents.

Post Preferences
As skill and/or written examination is being held for multiple posts/Departments in groups, therefore, detailed options for various said posts/Departments need to be filled by the candidates through online mode. A candidate will not be considered for a post/Department, if such a candidate has not given his/ her preference for the same. Options confirmed at the time of submission will be treated as final and will not be changed subsequently under any circumstances. Therefore, candidates are advised to be careful while exercising such options.

Scrutiny of Documents
Only those documents which are uploaded by the candidates while filling up the application form shall be considered for the purpose of scrutiny. In case of any variation in the document uploaded and produced at any subsequent stage, the candidature of such candidate shall be cancelled/rejected. If any application is found without uploading requisite supporting documents and other relevant information, the candidate himself/herself shall be responsible for the same and his/her candidature would liable to be cancelled/rejected.

Resolution of tie cases for final result
1. In case there are more than one candidate having equal aggregate marks (written examination/skill test marks and Socio-Economic Criteria marks) the candidate with the older in age will get precedence over the younger one.
2. In case two or more candidates have the same aggregate marks and same date of birth. The inter- se-merit shall be determined on the basis of higher score achieved in the written examination/skill test.

Syllabus for Skill / Written Test
GROUP-15 Pharmaceutical Jobs (Level- Matric+ Diploma in Pharmacy)
1) General awareness, Reasoning, Mathematics, Science, History including Haryana related history, current affairs, literature, Geography, Civics, Environment, Culture etc.- (Weightage 20%)
2) Computer terminology, Fundamentals, word software, excel software, Power point, internet, web browsing, Communication, emails, downloading and uploading data on websites etc. – (Weightage 10%)
3) Subject related syllabus- (Weightage 70%)

Opening date for submission of online applications : 16.03.2023
Closing date for submission of online application : 05.04.2023
Fee Details No Fees is required to be deposited by any candidate for applying against any Post(s).

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Dhalendra Kothale

Dhalendra Kothale

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