ECHS Invites applications to engage following Medical, Para Medical and Non Medical staff on contractual basis in 02 x Polyclinics, Panaji and
Sindhudurg for a period of one year renewable for additional period of one year / till attaining the maximum age subject to performance of candidates / other conditions according to the criteria as mentioned against each post:
Post Name | No. of Post | Qualification | Fixed Remuneration |
Pharmacist Panaji | 01 | B. Pharma/12th with Science and Diploma in Pharmacy, min 03 yrs work experience | 28100/- |
Pharmacist Sindhudurg | 01 | B. Pharma/12th with Science and Diploma in Pharmacy, min 03 yrs work experience | 28100/- |
For Terms and Conditions and Remuneration kindly see our website for additional details, please contact Stn HQ ECHS Cell Panaji at Tele No 0832-2423003, email ID Also approach concerned ECHS Polyclinic for details. Preference will be given to the Ex-servicemen.
Last date of receipt of application as per format given at our website. Application as per requsite format along with self attested photocopies of testimonials in support of Educational Qualifications and work Experience will be submitted to OIC, Stn HQs ECHS Cell Panaji by 12 Aug 23 in duplicate. Any application received after 12 Aug 23 at 1400 hrs will not be accepted.
Interview Date, Timing & Venue: Candidates must reach ECHS Cell, Station HQ Panaji, S V Road, Near Panaji Police Station, Goa, at 0900 hrs on 17 Aug 23 for the above mentioned post for ECHS Polyclinic Panaji & Sindhudurg, interview to be held between 1000 hrs to 1400 hrs.
Candidates must bring all the original certificates/mark sheet/ Degree of 10th/Matric, 10+2 & Graduation/Post Graduation/Diploma/course, work experience, discharge book, PPO, service records and two passport size colour photographs at the time of interview. No TA/DA is admissible. Only candidates meeting the Qualitative Requirement may apply.