Delhi Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research University, Delhi

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The Delhi Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research University (DPSRU) is a state-sponsored institution recognised by the UGC under Sections 22 and 2f. With over 2600 students, 120 instructors, and 100 support staff members since it started operating in 2015, it offers over 4 certificate, 3 diploma, 7 undergraduate, 24 postgraduate, and 8 PhD programmes. The forecasts for the year 2025 from the policy paper “Vision 2030” have already been achieved in the years 2021–2022.

The university now has the resources to support integrated learning and teaching and carry out research to serve a range of business sectors. In addition to having outstanding academic programmes, as implied by the university’s name, it also has a solid foundation in research and innovation. Four faculty members are now included in Stanford University’s list of the top 2% of scientists worldwide.

The university has supported 16 startups with six products currently on the market. Notable examples include “Ezypro,” a nutritional supplement drink to provide essential amino acids and minerals with Ahlnich for the critically ill patients, and “CoroQuil-Zn,” with Therapeutics Inc., possibly the first herbal drug targeting the ACE-2, the primary culprit for comorbidities of COVID-19 patients.

Courses Offered and Seats

1. Undergraduate Courses

Name of courseDurationSeatsFees
D. Pharma (DIPSAR)2 Years12036000
B. Pharma (DIPSAR)8 Semester10056000
B. Pharma Lateral Entry (DIPSAR)6 Semester656000
B. Pharma (SPS)8 Semester6056000
B. Pharma Lateral Entry (SPS)6 Semester656000
B. Pharma (Ayurveda)4 Years4056000

2. Postgraduate Courses

Name of courseDurationSeatsFees
M. Pharma (Quality Assurance) (DIPSAR)4 Semester1866000
M. Pharma (Clinical Research) (DIPSAR)4 Semester8866000
M. Pharma (Pharmaceutical Chemistry) (DIPSAR)4 Semester866000
M. Pharma (Pharmaceutics) (DIPSAR)4 Semester866000
M. Pharma (Pharmacology) (DIPSAR)4 Semester866000
M. Pharma (Hospital and Clinical Pharmacy) (DIPSAR)4 Semester566000
M. Pharma (Cosmeceutics) (SPS)4 Semester1066000
M. Pharma (Drug Regulatory Affairs) (SPS)4 Semester1566000
M. Pharma (Industrial Pharmacy) (SPS)4 Semester1566000
M. Pharma (Pharmaceutical Analysis) (SPS)4 Semester1566000
M. Pharma (Pharmaceutical Biotechnology) (SPS)4 Semester1566000
M. Pharma (Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry) (SPS)4 Semester1566000
Pharmaceutical Management (SAHSM)4 Semester1566000

Eligibility Criteria

1. Undergraduate Courses

Name of courseEligibility
D. Pharma,
B. Pharma &
B. Pharma (Ayurveda)
10+2 examination conducted by the respective state / central government authorities recognized as equivalent to 10+2 examination by the Association of Indian Universities (AIU) with English as one of the subjects and Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics (P.C.M.) and/or Biology (P.C.B. / P.C.M.B.) as optional subjects with 55 % or above marks* in aggregate (theory and practical) and individually in three science subjects (Physics, Chemistry and Biology or Mathematics).
Provided that a student should have completed 17 years of age on the date of admission or should complete the age of 17 years on or before 31st December 2021.
B. Pharma Lateral Entry A candidate seeking admission to B. Pharm. Lateral Entry (to Second Year/Third semester) must have passed D. Pharm. course as per PCI norms. 85 % seats will be reserved for those who have passed D. Pharm. from DPSRU. 15 % seats will be open to other institutes from Delhi or outside from an institution approved by the Pharmacy Council of India under section 12 of the Pharmacy Act as per regulation 4.B. of the Bachelor of Pharmacy course Regulations, 2014.

2. Postgraduate Courses

Name of courseEligiblity
M. Pharma, MBA in PharmacyB. Pharm. Degree examination of an Indian University established by law in India from an institution approved by Pharmacy Council of India and has scored not less than 55 % of the maximum marks*(Aggregate of II, III and IV yrs/or III to VIII semesters of B. Pharm.)

Every student, selected for admission to post graduate pharmacy program in any PCI approved institution should have obtained registration with the State Pharmacy Council or should apply for the registration of the same within one month from the date of his/her admission, failing which the admission of the candidate shall be cancelled.

GPAT qualified candidates shall be consideredfor admission first
15% of the total seats will be filled by NonDelhi candidates (including from NCR of Delhi) with valid GPAT score and have completed B. Pharm. examination with 55% from PCI/AICTE recognized University/Institute.
Remaining 85% of the total seats will be filled by graduates passed out from Delhi Colleges/ Universities with valid GPAT score in order of preference of disciplines. Out of 85% seats of Delhi category, 70% seats will be given to DIPSAR/DPSRU candidates and remaining 15% will be reserved for Delhi NonDPSRU candidates from NCT of Delhi.


Regular Exam FeesRs.4000/- (Semester or annual as applicable)
Back log Exam FeesRs. 500/- per paper (To be paid for end-semester examinations as and when announced)
Hostel FeesFor D. Pharm. / B. Pharm Security: Rs. 5000/-
Regular Fee: Rs. 10000/- year

For M. Pharm. / MBA Security: Rs. 5000/-
Regular Fee: Rs. 11000/- year
Mess ChargeMess shall be compulsory and the charges will be Rs. 15,000/- per Semester.

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Dhalendra Kothale

Dhalendra Kothale

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