Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai

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Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology are two independent programmes offered by this department. The B. Tech. programme in pharmaceutical technology, formerly known as B.Sc. (Tech. ), is concerned with the technology used in the production of medications and drugs. It has all the necessary components for a strong foundation in computational, mathematical, and chemical engineering principles. Originally known as B. Tech. (Pharmaceuticals and Fine Chemicals), the course is now known as B.Tech (Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology). Students are introduced to biochemistry, microbiology, and pharmacology while basic science topics like chemistry, algebra, and physics are covered in-depth.

To complement the main focus, which is on manufacturing process technology and the chemistry of API, intermediates, and fine chemicals, as well as dosage form technology, strong background knowledge of chemical engineering is imparted. This knowledge includes chemical reaction engineering, unit operations, separation processes, instrumentation and process control, and stoichiometry. Many first-generation notable industrialists and a number of distinguished alumni received their training in this Department. The B.Tech. (Pharma) program’s goal is to create fully qualified technicians and business owners for the active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) and pharmaceutical industries.

Courses Offered and Seats

1. Bachelor of Pharmacy (B. Pharma)

Duration8 Semester
FeesRs. 89,100/- (For 1st Year)
EligibilityHSC/ 12th Std., MHCET (100% for State of Maharashtra)

2. Master of Pharmacy (M. Pharma)

Duration4 Semester
Subjects and SeatsPharmaceutics (6)
Pharmaceutical Chemistry (6)
Medicinal and Natural Product (6)
FeesRs. 85,250/- (For 1st Year)
EligibilityB. Pharma with 55% marks and Valid GPAT score card

3. Master of Technology (M. Tech)

Duration4 Semester
Subjects Pharmaceutical Chemistry
FeesRs. 85,250/- (For 1st Year)
EligibilityB. Sc. (Tech.) in Pharmaceuticals and Fine Chemicals/ B. Tech. in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology/B. Pharm. or equivalent B. Tech. with Pharmacy background only.

4. Master of Technology (M. Tech)

Duration4 Semester
Subjects Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
FeesRs. 85,250/- (For 1st Year)
EligibilityB. Pharm.
B. E./B. Tech./B. Sc. (Tech.) in Biotechnology/
Biochemical Engineering/ Pharmaceutical
Technology/Industrial Biotechnology
B.E/B. Tech in Chemical Engineering /Biomedical
Engineering. B.Chem. Engg

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Dhalendra Kothale

Dhalendra Kothale

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