To prepare and dispense 5 ml Calcium gluconate injection.

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Object – To prepare and dispense 5 ml Calcium gluconate injection.

Reference – Gaud R.S. and Gupta G.D., Practical Pharmaceutics, CBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt. Ltd., 1st Edition 2002, Reprint 2019, Page no. 145.

Requirements –

  • Chemicals – Calcium gluconate, Water for Injection.
  • Glassware – Beaker, Autoclave, Syringe, Needle, Funnel, Sintered glass filter, Whatmann filter paper, Glass Rod, Oven.

Theory –

The most prevalent cation and sixth most frequent inorganic element in the human body is calcium. The neurological, muscular, and skeletal systems, as well as cell membrane and capillary permeability, all depend on calcium for proper function. Although calcium is well known for its role in bone building and muscular contraction, it is also crucial for blood coagulation, nerve conduction, and electrical conduction in the myocardium. Calcium gluconate, an element or mineral required for healthy neuron, muscular, and heart function, is the calcium salt of gluconic acid, an oxidation product of glucose. When taken orally, calcium as the gluconate salt assists in maintaining calcium balance and halts bone loss. This substance may also act as a chemopreventive for colon and other cancers.

The intravenous delivery of calcium gluconate raises the amount of serum ionised calcium. Calcium gluconate injection is a sterile, preservative-free, nonpyrogenic solution of calcium gluconate, a type of calcium. In plasma, calcium gluconate is converted to ionised calcium. Body fluids typically contain gluconate and ionised calcium.

Formula Table:

S. No.IngredientsQuantity GivenQuantity Taken
1.Calcium gluconate1 gm0.05 gm
2.Water for injectionUpto 100 mlUpto 5 ml


  1. Dissolve calcium gluconate in water for injection in a beaker with application of heat.
  2. Adjust the pH in between 6-8 with 10% sodium hydroxide solution.
  3. Keep the solution for cooling.
  4. After cooling filter the solution through whatmann filter paper/ 0.45 pm membrane filter to remove any particulate matter.
  5. Fill the prepared injection in ampoules (type I) with the help of syringe.
  6. Seal the ampoules by pull seal technique.
  7. Sterilize the ampoules by autoclaving at 121°c for 30 minutes.
  8. Label it and submit.

Category: I. V injection for low blood calcium levels.

Storage: Store in a well closed container and use only if solution is clear and seal intact.

Use: This medication is used to prevent or treat low blood calcium levels in people who do not get enough calcium from their diets. It may be used to treat conditions caused by low calcium levels such as bone loss (osteoporosis).

Result: 5 ml Calcium gluconate injection had been prepared and dispensed.

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Dhalendra Kothale

Dhalendra Kothale

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