Applications are Invited for Junior Research Fellow (04) & Field Assistant Posts (08) at PRSU Raipur

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“Exciting opportunities await in the vibrant field of biotechnology and pharmacy research! Applications are now open for the positions of Junior Research Fellow (04 Posts) and Field Assistant (08 Posts) at the School of Studies in Biotechnology and University Institute of Pharmacy, Pt. Ravi Shankar Shukla University, Raipur.

Junior Research Fellow

Junior Research Fellow and Field Assistant positions are part of the prestigious IBITF Project, offering a unique chance to contribute to cutting-edge research initiatives. Join our dynamic team and be a part of groundbreaking discoveries that shape the future of biotechnology and pharmacy. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to advance your career and make a difference. Apply now and take the first step towards an enriching journey with us!”

Project No. 2

Project Title “Traditional knowledge of medicinal plants consumed by primitive
tribes of Bastar Chhattisgarh: Development of database and strategy for value addition and sustainable livelihood via Fin-tech”
Advt. No. IBITF/Note/TSP/Sanction Letter/2023-24/0254, Dated 15-11-2023
Duration 2 Years
Post Name Junior Research fellow (JRF)
No. of Posts 02

M. Sc. (Biotechnology/Botany) from a recognized
Institute/ University or statutory body OR equivalent degree
with a minimum of 55% marks.

M. Pharm. (Preferably Pharmaceutical chemistry /
Pharmacognosy) from a PCI recognized Institute/University
or statutory body OR equivalent degree with a minimum of
55% marks.

Desirable 1. The candidate should have a vast experience of field survey (particularly in tribal areas), traditional ethnobotanical and medicinal knowledge of plants, identification, sampling and processing of medicinal plants.
2. Should be efficient in communication particularly with tribal people.
3. Should know preparation of samples and execution of
analytical/ biochemical assays of medicinal plants.
4. Knowledge about scientific validation by identifying active phytochemicals in the designated plants herbs followed by the bioassay guided fractionation of active component.
5. Should be well versed with cultivation and preservation practices of medicinal plants.
6. Should be comfortable in frequent field visit as well as wet lab experimentation.
7. Should be well versed with handling of equipments popularly used for analysis of plant products.
8. Should be efficient in using computer, data collection, tabulation, and statistical analysis, scientific writing, etc.
Age Maximum 30 years as on closing date of the advertisement.
Fellowship Rs. 37,000 + 10% HRA – PM (if applicable)
Post Name Field Assistant
No. of Posts 02
Qualification 10+2 or Intermediate in Science, with working experience relevant to the project.
Desirable 1. The candidate should have a vast experience of field survey (particularly in tribal areas), identification, sampling and processing of medicinal plants.
2. Should be efficient in communication particularly with tribal people.
3. Should be well versed with cultivation practices of medicinal plants.
4. Should be comfortable in frequent field visit and will be a team player.
5. Should know data entry, etc.
Age Maximum 30 years as on closing date of the advertisement.
Fellowship Rs. 15,000/-PM consolidated


Project No. 3

Project Title “Development of cost analysis-based tools for enhancing the
accessibility of medicine in tribal population of Chhattisgarh”
Advt. No. IBITF/Note/TSP/SanctionLetter/2023-24/0318, Dated- 19-12-2023
Duration 1 year
Post Name Junior research Fellow (JRF)
No. of Posts 02
Qualification 1. M.Pharm. from a PCI recognized Institute with a minimum of 55% marks.
2. Should be registered pharmacist
Desirable 1. The candidate should have in-depth knowledge about inventory management in medical shop/pharmacies.
2. Should be well versed with software used in medical shops/ pharmacies.
3. Should be capable of communicating well in regional, Hindi and English language.
4. Should be comfortable in frequent field visit and Data collection.
5. Should be efficient in using computer, data collection, tabulation, and statistical analysis, scientific writing, etc.
Age Maximum 30 years as on closing date of the advertisement
Fellowship 37,000/- per month + HRA (if applicable).
Post Name Field Assistant
No. of Posts 06
Qualification 1. B. Pharm. or D. Pharm. with working experience relevant to the project.(Degree/diploma must be from PCI recognized institute)
2. Should be registered pharmacist
Desirable 1. The candidate should have in-depth knowledge about inventory management in medical shop/pharmacies.
2. Should be well versed with software used in medical shops/ pharmacies.
3. Should be capable to communicating well in regional, Hindi, and English Language. 4. Should be comfortable in frequent field visit and Data collection.
5. Should be well versed in using Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point, and softwares used in medical shops.
Age Maximum 30 years as on closing date of the advertisement.
Fellowship 20,000/month + HRA (if applicable)


Note: The Number of vacancies in each post may vary as per requirement.
How to apply:

  1. For Project No. 2
    Interested candidates may fill the Application Form attached ( AnnexureVII). Completed application form with relevant documents and the candidate’s resume should reach by hand or speed post to the Principal Investigator, IBITF Project, School of Studies in Biotechnology, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur, (C.G.) 492010 by 05-02-2024, 05:00 PM with the subject line; “Advertisement for the post of____________ for IBITF funded project”. Only shortlisted candidates will be called upon for a Personal Interview.

2. For Project No. 3
Interested candidates may fill the Application Form attached ( AnnexureVIII). Completed application form with relevant documents and the candidate’s resume should reach by hand or speed post to the Principal Investigator, IBITF Pharmacy Project, University Institute of Pharmacy, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur, (C.G.) 492010 by 05-02-2024, 05:00 PM with the subject line; “Advertisement for the post of ____________ for IBITF funded project”. Only shortlisted candidates will be called upon for a Personal Interview.

1) Date of the interview will be notified only to the shortlisted candidates via Email Only.
2) No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.
3) The decision of the selection committee will be final.
4) If the number of shortlisted candidates is large, the selection committee may decide to restrict the number of candidates for the interview to a reasonable limit after considering qualifications and experience over and above prescribed in the advertisement.
5) The candidate’s appointment will be governed by the terms and conditions of the University/ funding agency particularly applicable to the said project as and when required.
6) The selected candidate will have to join duty within seven days of issue of appointment letter.
7) The fellowship can be terminated with a 15-day notice, any time, before completion of the tenure of the project.
8) Terms & conditions can vary according to the project implementing agency.
9) In case of any dispute, decision of University will be final.

Official Website
Notification Click Here
Application form Project No. 2 Click Here
Application form Project No. 3 Click Here
Last Date to Receive Application form 05-02-2024, 05:00 PM


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Dhalendra Kothale

Dhalendra Kothale

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