A. Criteria of Minimum Qualification :-Candidate should Be :-
1. D. Pharm (Diploma In Pharmacy)
2. B. Pharm (Bachelor of Pharmacy)
3. Pharm.D / Pharm.D (Post Baccalaureate)
Above degree should be from the colleges having recognition from Pharmacy Council Of India.
B. Training Certificate :-
Training Certificate is essential for Diploma in Pharmacy Candidates only.
C. If Registered with Any other State Pharmacy Council of India :-
Registration certificate has to be surrendered, for transfer of Registration from other state after getting No Objection Certificate from that Council; new registration certificate will be issued. Following documents are necessary for transfer of registration.
(1) Original Pharmacist’s Registration Certificate
(2) P.P.P. Card ,Original (If issued by the council)
(3) Attested Xerox copy of Domicile Certificate of CG.
(4) Attested Xerox copy of 10th & 12th Mark sheets
(5) Attested Xerox copies of Diploma/Degree/Pharm.D. Mark sheets (All semesters)
(6) Attested Xerox copy of Training certificate with Address.
(7) 3 P.P color photograph (Recent Photo)
(8) Photo Identity Card
(9) Demand Draft of the said amount to be send to your present council for issuing NOC.
D. New Registration application s is accepted only from those, having diploma / degree / Pharm.D of Pharmacy or any higher degree of Pharmacy education.
E. Documents Required for Registration
1. 10th / 12th Mark sheet with Date of Birth in original & Photocopy duly attested.
2. Diploma / Degree / Pharm.D mark sheets in original & 2 sets of Photocopy duly attested.
3. Domicile certificate in original with attested photo copy.
4. Photos (Passport size) 3 sets.
5. Court Fee Ticket of 5 Rs.
6. Training Certificate in original & attested copy for diploma in pharmacy candidates only.
7. Original Registration Certificate, if already registered with other state pharmacy council of India, (For Transfer of Registration)
F. Fees Structure:
1. Application form for New registration – Rs. 100/-
2. Registration fess – Rs. 1000/-
3. Renewal Fee per Year – Rs. 300/-
4. Duplicate Registration Certificate – Rs. 500/-
5. Additional Qualification – Rs. 100/-
6. Change in Name/ Surname – Rs. 300/-
7. Verification Fees – Rs. 100/-
8. Postage Expenses – Rs. 100/-
9. NOC Charges (In case of transfer of Registration from one state to other state) – Rs. 1150/-
10. Late fees charges per year – Rs. 100/-
11. Restoration Charges – Rs. 500/-
Total Fees Payable – Rs. 2650/- for 1 Year and Rs. 3550/- for 5 Years
Registration Procedure:
1. The below application form must filled by the applicant for new registration.

2. Fill the self declaration form

2. Attach all the relevant documents along with form.
3. Pay the Registration fees online in given link https://webfront.payu.in/webfront/#/payment/webfrontpage/chhattisgarh-pharmacy-council/single/2733
4. You will get your Pharmacist Registration Certificate in your given residential address by India Post. (Within 30days).