Pharmacist vacancy (02 Post) under National Urban Health Mission

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The National Urban Health Mission (NUHM), Department of Health, Solapur Municipal Corporation Solapur, is accepting applications from qualified candidates for the positions listed in the table below as part of a contractual recruitment process for various programmes being implemented at various health centres in Solapur city.

Name of Post: Pharmacist

No. of posts: 02

Qualification: B. Pharm/ D. Pharm

Salary: Rs. 17,000/-

Terms & Conditions:

  1. All the above posts are on contract basis All the above appointments are on contract basis under the National Civil Health Mission (NUHM) Health Department and on consolidated remuneration, their tenure will be upto 29/06/2023. Also, if the above mentioned posts are disapproved/cancelled or remain unapproved for the year 2023-24, the service of all the above posts will automatically terminate on 29/06/2023. But if the above posts are approved for the year 2023-24, further re-appointment will be given only on satisfactory performance.
  2. Applications will be accepted from candidates during office hours from 02/05/2023 to 10/5/2023, excluding holidays from 10.00 AM to 05.00 PM only. Application acceptance will be done at Establishment-4, General Administration Department, Solapur Municipal Corporation, Solapur. If candidates want to submit application for more than one post, they should submit application separately for each post. But if the interview/examination is conducted at the same time on occasion, one has to appear for one of the posts. The candidate who attends will be considered for the post concerned.
  3. According to the government decision. As on 01/04/2023, the age for open category candidates will be 38 years and backward category candidates will be 43 years, while for disabled category candidates the age will be 45 years and for part-time candidates will be 55 years. (Excluding A.No. 1 to 5 in the above table)
  4. If a candidate of that category is not available for the post indicated for the post in the above table, the said post will be filled by temporary appointment from among other available qualified candidates.
  5. A fee of Rs.150/- (written amount Rs. one hundred and fifty only) for candidates belonging to unreserved category and Rs.100/- (written amount of Rs. one hundred rupees only) for candidates belonging to reserved category is charged for each application for the recruitment process, the said fee is Demand Draft (Demand Draft) will be accepted. The said fee is non-refundable and candidates should attach the demand draft in the full name of (Intergrated Health & Family Welfare Society Solapur) at the top of the application form. On the reverse side of the demand draft, the candidate should write his/her full name, the name of the post applied for, post number, if any mistake is found in the name of the demand draft or if there is a defect, the application of the concerned candidate will not be accepted for the further process of recruitment.
  6. As all the above posts are contractual, temporary in nature and on consolidated remuneration, there will be no right or claim regarding the rules, terms and conditions of government service for the said post. Along with this, the government service rules are not applicable for all the above posts.
  7. Candidates for all the posts should submit application form prescribed by Sompa, 10th mark sheet and certificate, 12th mark sheet and certificate, degree mark sheet (1st year to final year – including all attempts), degree certificate (Convocation Certificate), additional Certificate of educational qualification and registration with relevant medical department if applicable, renewal certificate if expired, age domicile and nationality certificate, proof of age (school leaving certificate, birth certificate) all these documents should be attached along with the application in xerox copy (attested/self attested). . Certificates containing marks as per Grading System Grade Card Xerox behind the relevant certificate should be attached with the application (especially CGPA/SGPA), page numbers should be inserted on all attached documents. Bringing a xerox of the top surface of the application form to get access to the submission of the application form.
  8. A valid registration from the concerned Medical Council along with the educational qualification mentioned for the above mentioned post should be submitted along with the application. Along with this additional education should be registered with the council. A xerox copy of Council Smart Card if available should be attached with the application.
  9. Candidates should clearly mention the name of the post for which they are applying and the caste-category according to social reservation and 23 name of the bank and demand draft number in the application form.
  10. All information regarding the above recruitment (Provisional Eligible/Ineligible, Objection Acceptance, Final Eligible/Ineligible, Interview or Written Test Shortlisted List, Interview or Written Test Schedule and other matters) is available on the official website of Solapur Municipal Corporation, Solapur will be published on Candidates should note that no instructions will be sent to the candidates via telephone, SMS or email. It will be mandatory for the candidates to visit the website from time to time.
  11. All the rights to change the number of vacancies, educational qualification, remuneration, age limit, social reservation, change in the place of appointment, terms and conditions mentioned are with this office and the right to change the recruitment process at any time is the Commissioner and Chairman, National Health Mission, Recruitment Selection The committee has been retained by Solapur.
  12. In case of non-receipt of application with required qualifications for the said vacancies or in case of non-receipt of applicants in the required number, the qualification for that post will be relaxed as per requirement.
  13. Also, if the required number of reserved category candidates are not available in the required quantity, keeping in mind the requirement of filling up the said vacancies, the pending candidates of the unreserved category will be appointed on a temporary basis for the reserved category. (This condition will be applicable only for the posts for which there are open category seats)
  14. As the posts in National Health Mission at all levels are purely contractual and temporary in nature. Candidates should note that as there is no policy regarding transfer at present, no change in posting will be given to the candidates after appointment.
  15. Candidates applying from reserved category are required to attach caste certificate along with the application. Otherwise the application will be disqualified.
  16. If the receipt from Kami Setu office for presentation of certain certificate is submitted along with the application, the applications of the said candidates will be disqualified in the provisional eligible/ineligible list. But if the candidates submit the certificate from the said setu office at the objection time, the applications of the concerned candidates will be qualified in the final eligible/ineligible list.
  17. Validity of registration with Medical Council or any other documents should be of current period. However the application of candidates without valid certificate will be disqualified.
  18. The application form has been published on the official website of the Solapur Municipal Corporation and candidates’ application will not be accepted if there is no application in the said application form. These should be noted by the candidates. (Candidates should note that self-typed, altered in form or other application in name of sales center will not be accepted.)
  19. In case of submission of partially incomplete and illegible application form by the candidates, if the application of the concerned candidate is rejected or disqualified, it will be the responsibility of the concerned candidate. No complaint of any kind will be accepted from the candidates in this regard. If there is any difficulty in filling the application form, the competent person should visit the office and inquire.
  20. Candidate should be physically and mentally fit for the post concerned. Also candidates should not have committed any crime.

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Dhalendra Kothale

Dhalendra Kothale

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