Recruitment for the post of Pharmacist (20 Post) under Chief District Medical and Public Health Officer

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Applications are hereby invited from the interested retired Government employees (who have retired from Government service on attaining the age of superannuation and below the age of sixty-five years having good service record and are physically fit) for re- engagement against two (02) nos. of vacant post of Junior Assistants and 20(Twenty) Nos of Pharmacists under the establishment of the CDM&PHO Bargarh District under H&FW Deptt. for a period of two years or till regular posting of such base level posts, whichever is earlier. Such re- engagement shall be governed by the procedures and rules as laid down in Government of Odisha, G.A department Resolution No. 23750/Gen.dtd.27th August 2014 (copy enclosed).

Name of Post: Pharmacist

No. of Post: 20

Pay scale: Rs.20000/-(Level-7 as per Pay Matrix under ORSP Rules-2017) per month.

Age Limit: between 18 to 35 years

Eligibility Criteria:

(i) Officers who have retired from Government service on attaining the age of superannuation and below the age of sixty-five years having good service records and are physically fit shall be eligible to be considered for re-employment.

(ii) Officers against whom departmental proceedings or criminal cases are contemplated/ pending or who have been penalized for misconduct during the period of preceding five years will not be eligible for consideration.

Selection Process:

(i) Selection of persons will be made through open advertisement.

(ii) There shall be a Selection Committee as may be decided by the appointing authority for the post/ posts required to be filled up by re-employment.

Tenure, Terms and Conditions:

(i) The re-employment shall be made initially for a period of two years and can be extended for subsequent period of two years with spells of one year each subject to satisfactory performance up to a total period of four years not beyond the age of sixty-five years of age in any case or till the posts are filled up by regular process whichever is earlier.

(ii) Re-employed officers will be entitled to pay and other allowances as determined by the Administrative Department/Appointing Authority with the concurrence of the Finance Department.

(iii) Re-employed officers shall be governed by the provisions of Odisha Government Servants’ Conduct Rules, 1957 and shall be liable to be proceeded against for their misconduct, omissions and commissions as per the provisions under the Odisha Pension Rules, 1992.

(iv) The re-employment can be terminated at any time by the respective appointing authority due to unsatisfactory performance of any of the re-employed officer by giving one month notice. On the contrary if any re-employed officer desires to resign he shall do so by giving one month’s written notice to the competent authority.

Retention of Government Quarters: As provided in the Resolution No 19637/ Gen. dated the 30th June, 1999, during the period of the contract appointment the appointee may be accommodated in Goverment Quarters, subject to the availability, provided he pays normal rent as applicable to a Government servant Occupying Govemment accommodation.

Important Detail

The application form and related Government in G.A Deptt. Resolution No.23750/Gen. and Finance Deptt. Office memorandum No.24533/F dtd .29.09.2022 is available in the district website i.e.

Application containing all details in the prescribed format from interested retired Govt. employees addressed to the CDM & PHO, Bargarh, Odisha should reach positively on or before 05.04.2023 (1.00PM) by speed post/Regd. post only. Application received after due date and time will not be considered for consideration.


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Dhalendra Kothale

Dhalendra Kothale

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