Recruitment of Apprentice Trainees (20 Post) at Northern Coalfields Ltd. – B. Pharma/ B. Sc. Apply

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Northern Coalfields Limited (A Mini Ratna Company) is a subsidiary company of Coal India Limited, a Government of India enterprise functioning under the Ministry of Coal, invites application from candidates meeting the stipulated eligibility criterion for engagement of Graduate & Technician apprentices following the provisions of The Apprentices Act 1961and rules thereof (as amended from time to time) through online mode by utilizing the dedicated portal available on under the Home Page>Menu>Career>Apprenticeship Training.

Position Code, Number of Training Slots available, Stipend and tenure

Post CodePosition of Apprentice TraineesTotal Slots/SeatsTrainingStipend (in Rupee)
GT03Bachelor of Pharmacy201 YearRs. 9000/-

Position, Available Training Slots & Slots reserved for different categories

(I) Madhya Pradesh Region- Available Training Slots with respect of Caste Categories
Position of Apprentice TraineesUREWSOBC (NCL)SCSTTotal
Bachelor of Pharmacy7122214
(II) Uttar Pradesh Region- Available Training Slots with respect of Caste Categories
Bachelor of Pharmacy302106

Note 1:- Candidates must understand that the above Training Slots/ Positions are tentative and NCL reserves the right to alter/modify the number of Training Slots without stating the reasons.

General Eligibility Requirements :
i. Only Indian national are eligible to apply.
ii. Age Criteria: Minimum 18 years and maximum 26 years as on t h e C u t- o f f d a t e i . e . 30/06/2023. That is, the Candidate/Applicant should have born on or in between
01/07/1997 to 01/07/2005.
Concession & Relaxation:
A. Upper age is relaxed by 5 years for SC/ST candidates and 3 years for OBC candidates for the Slots/Seats reserved for them.
B. Candidates belonging to PwBD categories shall be given age relaxation upto 10 years (up-to 15 years for SC/ST and up-to 13 years for OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) Candidates).
iii. Candidate should not have passed his/her Graduation (Engineering/Non engineering) or Diploma as desired under Table 4, 03 years prior to the date of Joining as Apprentice. Though any Indian citizen possessing the requisite qualification may apply against this notification, but candidates who either, are residents of Uttar Pradesh & Madhya Pradesh or have passed their qualifying degree/diploma from any recognized institution functional in both of the states will be preferred.
iv. Calculation of Percentage: The degree percentage as provided by university/college will be considered or where CGPA/GPA or letter grade in a qualifying degree is awarded, equivalent percentage of marks should be indicated in the application form as per norms adopted by University/Institute. Please also obtain a certificate to this effect from University / Institute which shall be required at the time of Document Verification. Rounding off will not be considered, i.e. 49.99% will be treated as less than 50%.
v. For all positions: The qualification prescribed shall be from a recognized University/Institute as a full time regular course in relevant disciplines. Qualification acquired through Part time / Correspondence / Distance Learning mode shall render the candidate ineligible.
vi. The candidates who have undergone Apprenticeship earlier or pursuing Apprenticeship Training in an Industry as per the Apprenticeship Act, 1961/1973/2014/ 1992 as amended from time to time or job experience for a period of 1 year or more are NOT eligible.
vii. In case the date of Declaration of result is not mentioned in the Mark Sheet, the candidate must submit a certificate mentioning the date of publication of result from the Principal of the College/Institute from where the candidate pursued his course along with his Application Form.
viii. Candidates possessing higher qualification (Master Degree etc.) over the prescribed qualification shall not be considered eligible for the above notified positions.
ix. Candidates enrolled in the Second year of Engineering Degree & Diploma through lateral entry following the norms of AICTE in this regard, will be considered eligible for applying to the positions of Apprentice Trainees.

How to apply:
i. Candidate meeting the above prescribed eligibility criteria should visit our NCL website and apply online following the schedule as provided under Table 6.
ii. Paper based application will not be accepted.
iii. Candidate has to visit NCL website and then follow the path, {HomecPage>Menu>Career>Apprenticeship Training}, for applying online.
iv. Firstly, a candidate has to register themselves on the Online portal and to createcan online account for which they are required to have a valid mobile number andca valid email. After registering successfully they may apply for the positions of which they are fulfilling the eligibility criterion.
v. Candidate has to provide all relevant details like Date of Birth, Name as available in Matriculation certificate, Address for correspondence, permanent address, Academic details, Scanned photograph, Scanned Signature etc.
vi. After successfully filling the online form they have to confirm a declaration and he/she must go through the details provided in preview before final submission.
vii. After final submission of online application candidate must save a Hard and soft copy of his/her online application for future purposes.

Important Dates
Release of Notification:
Cut-off date for determining the eligibility in all respect if specifically not mentioned otherwise: 30/06/2023
Start date for applying online through NCL portal: 20/07/2023
Last date for applying online through NCL portal: 03/08/2023
Release of list of shortlisted candidates for Document scrutiny/Verification (Tentative): 10/08/2023
Commencement of Training (Tentative): 21/08/2023


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Dhalendra Kothale

Dhalendra Kothale

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