Vacancy for Pharmacist (13 Post) under Chief District Medical & Public Health Officer

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Balasore is one of the coastal Districts of Odisha. It lies on the northern most part of the state. It was a part of the ancient Kalinga which later became a territory of Toshal or Utkal, till the death of Mukunda Dev. Balasore as a separate District was created in October 1828. originally it was in Bengal presidency. Balasore District covers an area of 3634 sq kms having total population of 23,17,419 as per 2011 census.

Post: Pharmacist

No. of posts: 13

Remuneration: Rs. 20,000/-; Level-7

The undersigned is now pleased to re-engage of professionally excellent and fit Retd. Govt. Employees services Pharmacists under the entry-level regular vacancy on temporary contractual mode for ready fulfillment of Govt Assignments and in ordinate work load of remaining staff subject to 50% of present vacancy with reference to Govt. Letter No-6190/H dt-17.03.23 & DHS(O) Letter No- 6638/MS-IV dt-20.03.23.

Hence, the interested candidates (Retd. Govt. Employees) having with 61 to 63 years as on the date of advertisement are requested to apply accordingly on regd. Post/speedy post by on or before 12.05.2023 upto 5 PM only positively. After the date, the application will not be considered. The authority reserves the right to cancel/ reject of any or all applications & modify the advertisement assigning any reason thereof.


  1. This guideline for re-employment of fit retired Govt. Employees may be modified time to time on the decision appended by the Govt.
  2. Eligibility conditions:
    a) Officers who have retired from Government service on attaining the age of superannuation and below 4he age of sixty five years having good service records and are physically fit shall be eligible to be considered for employment.
    b) Officers against whom departmental proceedings or criminal contemplated/ pending or who have been penalized for misconduct during the period of preceding five years will not be eligible for consideration.

Tenure, Terms and Conditions:
a) The re-employment shall be made initially for a period of two years and c.m be extended for subsequent period of two years with spells of one year each subject to satisfactory performance up to a total period of four years not beyond the age of sixty five years of age in any case or till the posts are filled up by regular process Whichever is earlier.
b) The re-employment can be terminated at any time by the respective appointing authority due to unsatisfactory performance of any of the reemployed officer by giving one month notice. On the contrary if any re-employed officer desires to resign he shall do so by giving one Months written notice to the competent authority.
c) Reference will be given to the retired employees of Balasore District.

Documents required with application
a) HSC Certificate
b) Pharmacy Certificate – only in case of Pharmacist
c) Registration Certificate – only in case of Pharmacist
d) Govt. Relieve Order / 1st appointment order
e) Fitness certificate
f) Residential proof
g) Undertaking
h) PAN/ Adhar/ Photo

Last Date: 12 May 2023 upto 5 PM

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Dhalendra Kothale

Dhalendra Kothale

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