Walk-in Interview as Guest Faculty for B. Pharma/ M. Pharma at IGNTU Amarkantak – 31 August 23

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Eligible and interested candidates are invited for Walk-in-Interview at the Administrative Building of the University for engagement of Guest Faculty (Pharmacy) on Purely Temporary Basis (initially for six months or till regular appointment which is earlier) for the academic session 2023-24 with an application on plain paper giving their bio-data and attested copies of mark sheets /certificates/degrees of academic qualifications and experiences along with originals for verification on the date mentioned on university website. The University reserves the right not to fill any post and also to alter the nature and number of vacancies /appointments, if the circumstances so warrant.

Job Information

Post name No. of Post Qualification Salary
Guest Faculty 05 B. Pharm. and M. Pharm. in the relevant specialization with First Class or equivalent from the PCI/AICTE recognized institute. Rs. 25,000/- (Twenty Five Thousand) (consolidated) per month maximum (as per UGC norms and terms and conditions of University).


General Instructions:-
[1] This offer for the temporary job in the University will not confer any right on invitee to claim regular employment to any post.
[2] The candidates shall be required to join his duties on purely temporary basis in the University within 07 days from the date of offer letter.
[3] The invitee shall devote his/her whole time to the service of the University and shall not engage directly or indirectly to any other employment or any trade or business or other remunerative work.
[4] Any absence from duty will amount to proportionate deduction of remuneration.
[5] The invitee may be discontinued from services at any point of time without assigning any reason. No prior notice in this respect will be required.
[6] Infringement of any terms and conditions specified herein above, would called for an action.
[7] In case of any dispute the decision of the Vice-Chancellor will be final and binding.
[8] Relaxation and Reservation will be given as per GOI/UGC Rules to all the persons belonging to SC/ST/OBC/EWS category.
[9] University reserves the right to fill or not fill any post if the circumstances so warrant. The number of positions is open to be changed.
[10] No TA/DA shall be paid to the candidates for attending the interview.
[11] The selected candidates will be invited only for remaining Academic session 2023-24 initially for six months (which can be extended if required) or till regular appointment, whichever is earlier.
[12] Candidates are advised to satisfy themselves before attending the walk-in-interview interview that they possess the minimum essential qualifications as laid down in the advertisement.
[13] The Selection Committee may decide its own method of evaluating the performance of the candidate in interview.
[14] The prescribed qualifications and experience is minimum and the mere fact that a candidate possessing the same will not entitle him for being appointed.
[15] The University shall verify the antecedents or documents submitted by a candidate at any time at the time of appointment or during the tenure of the service. In case, it is detected that the documents submitted by the candidates are fake or the candidate has a clandestine antecedents/background and has suppressed the said information, then his services shall be terminated.
[16] In case of any inadvertent mistake in the process of selection, which may be detected at any stage even after the issue of appointment letter, the University reserves the right to modify/ withdraw/ cancel any communication made to the candidates.
[17] Number of posts advertised may be treated as tentative. The University shall have the right to increase/decrease the number and/or nature of posts at the time of selection and make appointments accordingly.
[18] The prescribed qualifications and experience will be minimum and the mere fact that a candidate possessing the same will not entitle him for being selected.
[19] The University may draw a panel in the form of a waiting list to fill up a post. In case a candidate on higher merit regrets to join within a period of 01 month or resigns after joining, within a period of 06 months, the offer shall be made to next candidate on the merit, if otherwise in order, to reduce the delay in filling up of the vacancies. Such a vacancy should not be treated as fresh vacancy.
[20] Consequent upon adoption of self-certification provisions as required by the Govt. of India, the University shall process the applications entirely on the basis of information/ documents submitted by the candidates. In case the information/ documents are found to be false/ incorrect by way of omission or commission, the responsibility and liability shall lie solely with the candidate.
[21] The University reserves the right to revise/reschedule/cancel/suspend the recruitment process without assigning any reason. The decision of the University shall be final and no appeals shall be entertained.
[22] Candidates are advised to regularly visit our website www.igntu.ac.in for updates.

Tentative walk-in-interview Schedule


Date of Interview Reporting Time
Administrative Building, Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Amarkantak 31/08/2023

10.00 AM onwards



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Dhalendra Kothale

Dhalendra Kothale

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