In pursuance of the Government order bearing number- HF/0/AYUSH/115/3H-02/15, Dated Kolkata the 24th February 2016, it has been decided by the selection committee to engage 2 (two) persons in the following categories, purely on contractual basis as per the existing norms, at the D. N. De Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital for smooth running of this institution. The applicants must have retired from State Government / Central Government Government undertaking institutes only. The upper age limit of the applicants should not be exceeding 62 years as on 27.07.2023.
Job Information
Post | No. of Post | Remunerations (Consolidated) |
Pharmacist | 01 | Rs. 10,000/- per month |
Willing candidates are requested to appear at the office of the undersigned on 27st July 2023, at 11 AM, at D. N. De Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital for a walk-in-interview. They are also requested to bring with them two copies of passport size photograph and all original testimonials in support of their candidature, superannuation and age proof along with original Voter card, Aadhaar card and two sets of photocopies of the same for verification prior to the interview.
Terms and conditions regarding recruitment shall be as per Government rules.
No T.A./D.A. shall be paid for appearing in the said interview.