Join as a Scientist-C (Non-Medical) at ICMR

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Welcome to the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) recruitment drive! We are inviting online applications from Indian Citizens for the position of Scientist-C (Non-Medical) to be posted at the ICMR Headquarters MDMS Unit in New Delhi. This is a fantastic opportunity to join our esteemed organization in Level 11 of the Pay Matrix (Rs. 67,700-2,08,700) under the 7th CPC Scale, along with usual allowances admissible to ICMR employees.


The selected candidate will be appointed on a regular basis under Direct Recruitment, with all India transfer liability under the ICMR. If you’re a motivated individual looking to contribute to groundbreaking medical research and make a difference in public health, then this is your chance to shine.
Post Name Scientist-C (Non-Medical)
No. of Post 01
Qualification Masters from a recognised university in Biotechnology/ Pharmacy
Essential Experience 4 years of experience of working in R&D including hands-on experience in Medical Device & Diagnostics development and regulations in Govt./ Public Sector/ Private Institutions
Desirable Experience Ph.D from a recognised university in Biotechnolog / Pharmacy
Upper age limit  40 years (Relaxable in accordance to GOI instructions)
Salary Rs. 67,700-2,08,700 under the 7th CPC Scale,


1. PhD. will be considered as 4 years’ experience (irrespective of the duration taken to complete the degree
2. MPH/ M.Tech/ ME will not be considered as any experience.
3. Experience in managing the national level programs/schemes related to Medical Device/ Diagnostics will be admissible.

Job Description 
1. To plan, develop, manage and implement initiatives related to development of medical device & diagnostics.
2. To assist in development and clinical evaluation of medical device & diagnostic technologies aligned with the National Health Mission, Ayushman Bharat- Health and Wellness Centres & other Govt. Schemes.
3. To assist in drafting policies/guidelines in the Medical Device and Diagnostic Sector, innovation management etc. as per the requirements of ICMR.

Selection Procedure
(i) The Selection would be made based on computer based written test (MCQs) or interview or both.
(ii) Written test would be based on the understanding of research methods and will be of qualifying nature and minimum qualifying would be 75 percentile.
(iii) The top 12 candidates from among the above qualified list who are otherwise eligible based on their qualifications/ experience would be called for interview.

Fee: Application Fee (non-refundable) of Rs.1500/- (Rupees one thousand five hundred only) is required. SC/ST/Women/PwBD/EWS candidates are exempted from application fee. Application Fee is to be paid by candidates through online link given in the application form.

Other Conditions :
(i) Application should be submitted along with online application fees, through online mode on
(ii) Application received after the closing date, for whatever reason, is liable to be rejected.
(iii) Incomplete or Application without supportive documents is liable to be rejected.
(iv) Relevant documents of educational qualification/ specialization/ experience as claimed must be invariably uploaded.
(v) At the time of personal discussion, the applicants working in Centre/State Government Department/ Public Sector Undertakings & Govt, funded research agencies, must submit a “No Objection Certificate” from the employer with an undertaking that “the applicant will be relieved within one month of his/her receipt of appointment order”.
(vi) Any outside influence (political or otherwise), brought in by a candidate or on behalf of the candidate shall disqualify him/her.
(vii) Any further detail/communication shall be displayed on ICMR website only. Candidates are requested to regularly visit ICMR Website, for any updates. No other mode of correspondence shall be entertained.
(viii) Any dispute with regard to the recruitment against the advertisement will be under the jurisdiction of Courts in New Delhi.
(ix) ICMR retains the liberty to either modify or cancel or publish afresh, this vacancy circular.
(x) The number of the vacancies are provisional and may vary

General Instructions
I. A candidate willing to apply is required to visit or to submit his/ her ONLINE Application in the prescribed format after registering himself/ herself.
II. Apply online well in advance without waiting for last date of submission of online application form.
III. Candidates applying for a post must ensure that they fulfill the eligibility conditions on the last date of submission of application. Candidates who do not fulfill the qualifications/eligibility conditions on cut-off date, their application shall not be accepted by the online application system.
IV. Please read the instructions and procedures carefully before you start filling the Online Application Form and check all the particulars filled up in application form after the printout to ensure the correctness of information and upload all documents before finally submitting the application.
V. After successful submission of application, candidates can again take final print out of application.
VI. No offline application form or copy of downloaded application form will be accepted by the ICMR. However, a hard copy of application form (final printout) along with all uploaded documents may be submitted at the time when called upon to do so by the ICMR.
VII. The decision of the ICMR in all matters relating to acceptance or rejection of an application, eligibility/ suitability of the candidates, mode and criteria for selection etc. will be final and binding on the candidates. No enquiry or correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
VIII. The ICMR does not scrutinize the documents at the time of submission of online application and the same are to be checked only at the time of Scrutiny. If on verification at any stage starting from submitting application form till appointment and any time even after appointment, it is found that any candidate does not fulfil any of the eligibility condition or it is found that the information furnished is false/suppressed or incorrect, his/ her candidature will be cancelled and he/ she will also be liable to be criminally prosecuted. This is irrespective of whether the candidate was benefitted by furnishing the false or incorrect information in his/ her application.
IX. Candidates are advised to fill their application form carefully such as Name, Father’s/ Mother’s name, Date of Birth and Category, Qualification, marks obtained, passing year, photo, Signature, details, etc. No request for change of any particulars on the online application form shall be entertained by the ICMR after submission of application form.

Online Registration :
(i) After selecting the online registration, fill the mandatory details asked for, step by step, carefully as the details filled in the REGISTRATION FORM will NOT be allowed to be changed once registered.
(ii) It will be the responsibility of the candidate to ensure that correct details are filled in the Registration Form. ICMR will not be responsible for any incorrect information/cancellation of candidature/loss or lack of communication etc. due to wrong entries in the REGISTRATION FORM.
(iii) Acknowledgement of successful Online Registration will be forwarded to applicant’s Registered email ID/Mobile No.
(iv) Duplicate applications from any applicant will result in cancellation of all such applications. No intimation regarding such rejections will be provided.

Filling The Online Application
(i) Registered Users Click on ‘Applicant login’ to access the Application form with User ID and password received on your email and mobile number.
(ii) Click on the Go to Application Form’ button and please read the important instructions carefully. The Application Form is categorized into the several sections. You need to fill section-wise application form. Once the mandatory details in a section are filled, you can move to the next section by clicking on Save and Next. However, you will not be allowed to navigate to next section, if mandatory information is not filled or the required documents are not uploaded. To navigate back to the previous section, you can click on the name of the previous section tab. Once you have completed the last section and then, click on Submit button, you will be re-directed to make the payment. Once payment is done, your application is considered complete. Fee will only be accepted through Net Banking/Credit Card/Debit Card.
(iii) All applicants are required to ensure that Photo/Signature and other documents are uploaded according to the instructions provided in these guidelines. Failure to do so may result in rejection of applications.

Documents To Be Uploaded With Application Form
The candidates must up load scanned copy of their self-attested/attested copies of certificates/documents in support of their educational qualifications (from Matric onwards), certificates of detailed marks obtained in these course(s), date of birth, category certificate i.e. SC/ST/OBC/ PwBD, experience(s). If a candidate fails to upload self-attested copies of the requisite documents as above, his/her candidature will be cancelled and he/she will not be allowed to participate in subsequent stages of selection process.
(i) The photograph on the Application form should be unattested.
(ii) Candidate should not wear cap, goggles etc. Spectacles are allowed.
(iii) Application not complying with these instructions, or with unclear photograph, will be rejected.
(iv) Keep a few identical photographs in reserve for use at the time of Test/ document verification.
(v) Any deviation or discrepancy between actual appearance at the time of examination and facial appearance in the photograph pasted on the application will make candidate liable for rejection.

Official Website
Advt. No. ICMR/Sc-C(Non-Med)/(MDMS)/03/2023-Pers
Notification Click Here
Apply Now Click Here
Last date to Apply 8th March. 2024 till 5:30PM


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Dhalendra Kothale

Dhalendra Kothale

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