Recruitment of Pharmacist (07 Vacancy) at Sashastra Seema Bal, Ministry of Home Affairs

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The members of Sashastra Seema Bal are committed to our motto of Service, Security and Brotherhood.In pursuance of this objective we pledge to serve our country with the highest level of professional excellence, dedication and devotion. We strive to promote a healthy working environment for our men, ensuring professional development through training and modernization.

Name of Post: ASI (Pharmacist)

Online applications are invited from Indian citizens for filling up the following posts of Assistant Sub-Inspector (Pharmacist, Radiographer, Operation Theater Technician and Dental Technician) Group-‘C” Non-Gazetted (Combatised Para-Medical Staff) in SASHASTRA SEEMA BAL, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India. The posts are temporary, but likely to continue. Selected candidates are liable to serve anywhere in India or outside the territory of India and will be governed by SSB Act and Rules and other Rules amended from time to time.

No of posts: 07 (OBC-01, ST-02, SC-04)
*UR: Un-Reserved, EWS: Economically Weaker Section, SC: Schedule Caste, ST: Schedule Tribe, OBC: Other Backward Class.
** 10 % vacancies are reserved for Ex-Servicemen.

i) Vacancies reserved for Ex-Servicemen will be filled by non Ex-Servicemen candidates if eligible Ex-Servicemen candidates are not available.
ii) Director General SSB reserves the rights to increase/ decrease, fill or not to fill the vacancies or cancel the advertisement for the above-mentioned post, without assigning any reason.
iii) Applications received through any other mode except ONLINE MODE shall not be accepted and rejected straightway. No correspondence in this regard will be entertained by SSB at later stage.
iv) SC/ST/OBC/EWS candidates who fulfill eligibility criteria of unreserved category may apply against the unreserved category for posts where no vacancies are reserved for SC/ ST/ OBC/ EWS.
v) A candidate can apply for only one post from amongst the posts as mentioned at para-2 above.

Pay Scale
Basic pay in revised pay matrix: Level-5 Rs.29,200- 92,300 per month.
Other Allowances: he above post carry Dearness Allowance, Ration Money Allowance, House Rent Allowance and any other allowances as admissible in SSB from time to time as per Government orders. Selected candidates for the above mentioned post will be covered under Defined Contribution Pension Scheme (New Pension Scheme).

Age: Between 20 years and 30 years

Essential Educational & Professional qualification:
i) 10+2 with science or equivalent from a recognised Board or Institution.
ii) Should have Degree or Diploma in Pharmacy granted by an institution of Central or State Government or an institution recognised by the Central Government or State Government.
iii) Should be registered as a pharmacist under the Pharmacy Act, 1948 (8 of 1948).

Examination Fee and Mode of Payment:
UR, EWS and OBC category candidates will require to pay examination fee amounting to Rs.100/-(Rupees on hundred) only through net-banking/credit card/debit card which will be non-refundable. However, SC, ST, Ex- Servicemen and female candidates are exempted from payment of examination fees.

How to apply: Only online applications will be entertained for the above said post. Applications received through any other mode shall not be accepted and rejected straight way.

Download Pharmacy India Mobile App from Play store for the preparation of GPAT, NIPER, Pharmacist, DI and other Pharma Exams.

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Dhalendra Kothale

Dhalendra Kothale

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