Recruitment of Professor & Associate Professor at Central University of Haryana – Apply Now

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Calling all Indian Nationals, including overseas citizens of India, to apply for the prestigious positions of Professor and Associate Professor through Direct Recruitment in the esteemed Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the Central University of Haryana.


This is a fantastic opportunity to become part of our dynamic team dedicated to excellence in education and research. We welcome passionate individuals as a Professor and Associate Professor who are committed to making a difference in the field of pharmaceutical sciences.

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Professor : UR-1
Associate Professor : UR-1

Scale of Pay as per 7th Pay Commission :
Associate Professor : Level – 13A
Professor : Level-14

Eligibility Conditions
Details of qualifications and experience etc., for the posts shall be as per the UGC Regulations on Minimum Qualifications for Appointment of Teachers and other Academic Staff in Universities and Colleges and Measures for the Maintenance of Standards in Higher Education, 2018, as amended from time to time and as per AICTE / NCTE norms as applicable. For details, the concerned website be referred to. The date of eligibility will be on the last date of advertisement.

Other Instructions
1. Application forms have to be filled only in online mode as available on the website of the University, within the prescribed time limit as indicated in the advertisement. Payment should be made online only, through credit/debit card/net banking/payment gateway as provided by the University. No addition/ modification request will be consider after submission of the application form.
2. Applicants applying for more than one post/department must apply separately and pay fees, separately.
3. The Last date for filling online application is 15-03.2024.
4. The candidate belonging to the reserved categories shall enclose self-attested copies of the caste certificate and/or medical certificate (pertaining to the determination of degrees of disability in case of PwD candidates) from the competent authority in the format prescribed by the Government of India (subject to verification at a later date), failing which the application shall be rejected.
5. Application fees:
• Non-Refundable fees for UR/OBC/EWS category is Rs 1,000/-
• No application fee will be charged from applicants belonging to SC, ST, PwBD and Women categories.
• Fees once paid will not be refunded.
6. Direct recruitment to the posts of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor in the University shall be on the basis of merit through all India advertisement and selections on the recommendations of the duly constituted Selection Committees.
7. In accordance with the UGC Regulations, 2018, as amended from time to time, including amendments, applicants applying for the post of Assistant Professor must submit a certificate in the prescribed format as per Annexure I & II (as applicable) from the concerned University to the effect that their Ph.D. degree is in compliance with relevant UGC Regulations for award of Ph.D. degree.
8. Applicants should possess the prescribed qualifications, experience and eligibility criteria as on the closing date of application, as prescribed by the University from time to time for the respective posts. All the above posts carry UGC pay scales plus admissible allowances. Applicants are required to produce specific certificates as per eligibility conditions.
9. It shall be the responsibility of the candidate to assess his/her own eligibility for the post for which he/she is applying in accordance with the prescribed qualifications, experience and submit the application duly filled-in, along with the desired information and documents as per the advertisement. Suppression of factual information, supply of fake documents, providing false or misleading information or canvassing in any manner on the part of the candidates shall lead to his disqualification. In case, it is detected at any point of time in future, even after appointment, that the candidate was not eligible, appointment of the candidate shall be liable to termination forthwith as per this clause. In case of any ambiguity in the recruitment Rules in general and eligibility in particular for any post, the decision of the Executive Council shall be final.
10. Acceptance of documents submitted by an applicant shall be subject to verification by the competent authority at any point of time even after joining the employment. If any document is found to be false / fake / incorrect either before or after appointment, the document shall be summarily rejected or action may be initiated against the candidate which shall lead to cancellation of appointment of the candidate, as the case may be.
11. The person appointed against any post shall be governed by the Act/ Statutes/ Ordinances/ Rules of the University and also the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964, CCS (CCA) Rule, 1965, or any other Rules of the Government of India, as amended from time to time and any other rule/ resolution prescribed specifically for maintaining the conduct of the employee by the Executive Council of the University.

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12. The appointment of a candidate shall be subject to verification of character and antecedents by the competent authority. Until ‘the verification of character and antecedents’ reports are received, the appointment shall be treated as provisional. In case the report/s with regard to his/her conduct, character, and antecedents is found to be unsatisfactory, the appointment shall be cancelled / withdrawn forthwith.
13. Canvassing in any form on behalf of any candidate shall be treated as a disqualification which shall lead to the cancellation of candidature.
14. The applications received for the posts of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor shall be shortlisted/screened in compliance with the shortlisting/screening guidelines laid down in the UGC Regulations on Minimum Qualifications for Appointment of Teachers and other Academic Staff in Universities and Colleges and Measures for the Maintenance of Standards in Higher Education, 2018, as amended from time to time or AICTE/ NCTE/ University norms as applicable.
15. The selected candidate shall produce a medical fitness certificate issued by a Govt, hospital/ or Govt./CGHS empanelled hospital duly countersigned by the concerned civil surgeon or the Medical Superintendent/ Director of the concerned hospital for Group B and C post and certificate from the Medical Board issued by a Govt, hospital/ or Govt./CGHS empanelled hospital for Group A post, as the case may be, prior to joining of the candidate. In cases where a person has already been examined by a Medical Board in respect of his/her previous appointment and if standard of medical examination prescribed for the new post is the same, then the candidate is not required to undergo a fresh examination. For this purpose, the candidate has to submit a copy of the medical certificate duly countersigned by the designated officer of the University.
16. The selected candidate shall be governed by the New Pension Scheme of the Govt, of India, as the case may be, duly extended by the UGC.
17. The selected candidate shall be liable to serve anywhere within the jurisdiction of the University.
18. Applicants who have been awarded Ph.D. from foreign Universities should enclose “Equivalence Certificate” issued by Association of Indian Universities, New Delhi, without which their candidature will not be considered and application will summarily be rejected.
19. The University may assess the ability of teaching and / or research aptitude through a seminar or lecture in a classroom situation or discussion on the capacity to use the latest technology in teaching and research at the interview stage.
20. The University reserves the right to withdraw an advertisement, either partly or wholly, at any time,
without assigning any reasons. The University reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of vacancies.
21. If advertisement for any post is withdrawn by the University, the application fee collected from the candidate shall be refunded within a reasonable period of time.
22. In case of any inadvertent mistake in the process of selection, which may be detected at any stage even after the issue of appointment order, the University reserves the right to modify / withdraw/ cancel any communication made to the candidates.
23. In case of any dispute/ ambiguity that may occur in the process of selection, the decision of the University shall be final.
24. The assessment shall be based on evidence produced by the applicant such as: copy of publications, project sanction letter, utilization and completion certificates issued by the University and acknowledgements for patent filing and approval letters, students’ Ph.D. award letter etc.
25. Merely fulfilling the minimum qualifications or the eligibility criteria does not entitle an applicant to be necessarily considered or called for interview. The University may restrict the number of applicants to be called for interview on the recommendations of the shortlisting/screening committee, constituted by the Competent Authority.
26. The following categories of persons shall not be eligible to apply for any position in the University:
i. who has been convicted by any Court of Law or any criminal proceedings are pending against him;
ii. who is a person of unsound mind and questionable conduct or not medically fit to perform his duties.
iii. who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having a living spouse; Provided that the Competent Authority of the University may, if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such person and the other party to the marriage and there are other grounds for doing so, exempt any person from the operation of these Rules;
iv. who is not a citizen of India; and
v. any other category of person disqualified for appointment by the Govt, of India/ UGC from time to time.
27. All appointments shall be made provisionally subject to verification of certificates. The University shall verify the documents and antecedents of the applicant at the time of interview/joining or at any stage during the period of service. In case, it is found at any point of time that any document / information submitted by the applicant is false or the applicant has suppressed any relevant information, the services of the selected applicant shall be terminated forthwith without assigning any reason. The University may also initiate appropriate action under the provisions of Indian Panel Code, 1860 for production of false information.
28. Willful suppression of factual information or any document relating to the eligibility or otherwise as of a candidate, followed by supply of fake documents or misleading statement or information in the application or tampering with the documents, or providing such information relating to the achievements, caste, educational qualifications, experience or domicile, the Chief Vigilance Officer of the University shall have the powers to investigate / inquire into the matter and submit the report to the authority for further action at any stage of recruitment process or employment. If any of these acts is found to be true, the candidate shall be disqualified for appointment to the post or if already appointed, his/ her services shall be liable to be terminated, with immediate effect, after adhering to the procedures.
29. Before applying for a post, applicants are advised to go through the relevant UGC/ AICTE/ NCTE/ BCI norms/ regulations as amended from time to time and as applicable, as well as contents of the advertisement carefully and satisfy themselves about their eligibility. No enquiry in this regard will be entertained.
30. Separate Application form shall have to be submitted for each post.
31. The eligibility of the candidate will be decided by information mentioned by him/her in the application form. No addition/modification requests will be entertained. Incomplete application form shall be rejected.

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32. Reservation for the SC/ST/OBC (non-creamy layer)/PwBD/EWS applicants will be as per the UGC/ Government of India policies. Applicants seeking reservation benefits available for SC/ST/OBC (non- creamy layer)/PwBD/EWS categories must upload the necessary documents justifying the claim of respective reservation as per UGC/Government of India lists/rules/norms. The certificate uploaded should be in the format prescribed by the Govt, of India.
33. Applicants serving in Government/Public Sector Undertakings (including Boards/Autonomous Bodies) are required to submit ‘No Objection Certificate’ on the prescribed proforma from the employer, at the time of interview.
34. All correspondence from the University including interview letter, if any, shall be sent only at the e-mail address provided by the applicant in the online application form. The applicants are advised to check the website of the University regularly for updates.
35. All correspondence from the University including interview call letter, shall be sent through e-mail address provided by the applicant in the application form.
36. Any addendum/ dedendum/ corrigendum, if any, shall be posted on our website only. Canvassing in any form will be treated as a disqualification.
37. Incomplete applications in any respect shall be summarily rejected.
38. The University reserves the right to revise/reschedule/cancel/suspend/withdraw the recruitment process in part of full without assigning any reason. The decision of the University shall be final and no appeal in this regard shall be entertained.
39. In case of any inadvertent mistake in the process of selection, which may be detected at any stage even after issuing an appointment letter, the University reserves the right to modify/withdraw/cancel any communication made to the applicant in this regard.
40. In case of any dispute/ambiguity that may occur in the process of selection, the decision of the University shall be final.
41. No TA/DA shall be paid to applicants for attending interview. However, outstation applicants belonging to SC/ST/PwBD categories called for interview will be paid an amount equivalent to return single second class railway fare towards journey, expenses on production of ticket numbers/proof.
42. In case of any dispute, any suite or legal proceedings against the University, the territorial jurisdiction shall be the High Court of Punjab & Haryana, Chandigarh.
43. The posts advertised are tentative. The University reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of posts.

Official Website
Notification Click Here
Apply Now Click Here
Last date for filling online application 15-03-2024


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Dhalendra Kothale

Dhalendra Kothale

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