Recruitment of Professor & Associate Professor at MUHS Nashik

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Exciting career opportunities await at Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Vani Road, Mharsul, Nashik! We are currently seeking passionate individuals to join our esteemed institution as Professors and Associate Professors. If you’re looking to make a meaningful impact in the field of health sciences and advance your career, this is the perfect opportunity for you. Don’t miss out – apply now and become a part of our dedicated team shaping the future of healthcare.


School of Pharmaceutical Medicine, Nashik

Post Name Professor
No. of Post 01
Qualification MD Pharmacology from M.C.I./N.M.C Recognized Medical College OR
M. Pharm in any specialization recognized by PCI with Ph.D. in relevant specialization OR
Health Science Graduate (MBBS/BDS /BAMS /BHMS/BUMS) with M.Sc. Pharmaceutical Medicine along with Ph.D. in relevant specialization
Experience For MD qualification : As Associate Professor in concerned subject for three years in a
permitted / recognized medical college with four research publications in Indexed Journal as a
first / second / third / corresponding author.
For M. Pharm : Minimum ten years of teaching experience out of which five years should be as
Associate Professor in Pharmacy College with five research publications in Indexed Journal as
a first / second / third / corresponding author.
Minimum ten years research / industry experience in Pharmaceutical Industry with five research
publications in Indexed Journal as a first / second / third / corresponding author.
For Health Science Graduate : As Associate Professor in Pharmaceutical Medicine course for
five years (Post Ph.D. two years’ experience compulsory) with four research publications in
Indexed Journal as a first / second / third / corresponding author in Pharmaceutical Medicine
Salary Rs. 1,44,200-2,18,200/-
Post Name Associate Professor
No. of Post 01 (OBC)
Qualification MD Pharmacology from M.C.I./N.M.C Recognized Medical College
M. Pharm in any specialization recognized by PCI with Ph.D. in relevant specialization
Health Science Graduate (MBBS/BDS /BAMS /BHMS/BUMS) with M.Sc. Pharmaceutical
Medicine alongwith Ph.D. in relevant specialization
Experience For MD Pharmacology : As Assistant Professor in concerned subject for four years in a
permitted / recognized medical college with two research publications in Indexed Journal
as a first / second / third / corresponding author.
For M. Pharm : Minimum seven years of teaching experience as Assistant Professor; out of
which two years must be Post Ph.D. experience in Pharmacy College with two research
publications in Indexed Journal as a first / second / third / corresponding author.
Minimum ten years of research / industry experience in Pharmaceutical Industry with two
research publications in Indexed Journal as a first / second / third / corresponding author.
For Health Science Graduate : Minimum seven years of teaching experience as Assistant
Professor; out of which two years must be Post Ph.D. with two research publications in
Indexed Journal as a first / second / third / corresponding author in Pharmaceutical
Salary Rs. 1,31,400 –2,17,100/-


University Research Department, Nashik

Post Name Associate Professor
No. of Post 01 (ST)
Qualification Post-Graduate Degree in Health Sciences
M. Pharm with Ph.D. in relevant branch
M.Sc. Biotechnology with Ph.D. in relevant branch
Experience For Post Graduate Degree in Health Sciences : Four years teaching
experience in concerned subject as Assistant Professor
For others : Minimum seven years of teaching experience in concerned
subject as Assistant Professor; out of which two years must be Post
Ph.D. experience
Other Experience Three Research Publications in Indexed Journal as a first / second /
third / corresponding author.
Desirable : Completed minimum one major research project
multicentric / multidisciplinary with extramural fund upto five lakhs as PI / CO-PI.
Preference will be given to the candidates having fifteen years
experience in Health University
On Deputation: Working candidate should have minimum Scientist
Grade D Position in reputed organization related with Medical
Education OR Research Institute (Reputed Organization means: Centre of Excellence declared by State or Central Government.)
Salary Rs. 1,31,400 –2,17,100/-


General conditions and important instructions for Applicants
1. Application should be submitted in the prescribed format along with processing fees (Non-Refundable) through Demand Draft of Rs. 500/- for Open category candidates and Rs. 300/- for Reserve category candidates. Demand Draft must be drawn, only from Nationalized Banks, in favour of The Registrar, Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik payable at Nashik.
2. Attested photocopies of following documents should be attached alongwith the applications:
a) Date of Birth / Proof of Age (School Leaving Certificate / S.S.C. Certificate)
b) Educational qualification (s) documents
c) Computer literacy Certificate (MS-CIT or any other equivalent Certificate)
d) Experience Certificate, if applicable
e) Caste Certificate and Caste Validity Certificate, if applicable
f) Non-Creamy Layer Certificate, if applicable
g) Small Family Declaration Certificate
h) Discharge Book from Defence Service, if applicable
i) Publications (National & International – List of Publication to be attached)
j) Awards Certificate (State / National)
k) Certificates of Conference / Workshop attended as Faculty / Speaker / Guest Lecturer /
Organised / Conducted
l) Publication copy of Books / Chapter
m) Additional Qualification certificates
n) University approval letters
o) PG Recognition letter
p) Name change proof, if applicable
3. Only one application shall be submitted for one post by the candidate. If applicant desires to apply for more than one post, separate application shall be submitted for each post. Envelope should be super-scribed as “Application for the post of …………………………., Advertisement No. ———–”
4. Complete application duly signed by the applicant should be sent to The Registrar, Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Vani Road, Mhasrul, Nashik – 422004 so as to reach on or before 23/02/ 2024 office hours. The University will not be responsible for postal or any other delay. Applications received by the University, after last date of submission, will be rejected. No correspondence will be entertained by the University in this regard.
5. A recent passport size photograph duly self-attested shall be affixed on the application.
6. Applicants should bring all original documents alongwith one set of attested photocopies at the time of interview.
7. All these Posts are purely temporarily created from University Fund for tenure of maximum five years.
8. Being all temporary posts, they don’t have any retirement or other terminal benefits, however, the candidates appointed on these posts will be entitled for Casual leave, Earned leave & Medical leave as per University rules. However, they shall not be entitled for encashment of Earned leave.
9. Nature of duties / job of the temporarily created posts are not permanent in nature. The services of selected candidates are transferable to any department / section of the University or at any regional centre of the University.
10. Selected candidates shall be initially given appointment on the post for a period of one year/ eleven months. However, extension on yearly basis can be granted maximum up to four years; subject to satisfactory performance as per requirement of University.
11. Candidates applying for reserved category post(s) should submit caste certificate, caste validity certificate and also recent non-creamy layer certificate, wherever applicable. The benefit of the reservation shall be admissible to the candidates who are domicile in the State of Maharashtra only.
12. In case if any candidate from respective category post earmarked for is not available for appointment, then such post can be filled up on temporary basis for one year / eleven months (Against Category) as per merit.
13. Experience in the concerned subject will be considered as valid teaching experience, for the teaching posts in the said subject.
13. Candidate shall have to submit MS-CIT Certificate Or Govt. recognized Certificate of knowledge of Computer Operation, obtained from the institute recognized by the Government.
14. Incomplete applications, overwriting / erased applications / certificates not attested, etc. and applications without processing fee will not be considered. No correspondence will be made in this regard.
15. Mere fulfilling of requirement as laid down in the advertisement does not qualify a candidate for written examination / interview. In case more applications are received screening test
shall be conducted as decided by the University. The screening test shall be conducted only to shortlist the candidates.
16. For appointment, preference will be given to the candidates below age of 64 years. However, in case if no suitable candidate is found, the candidate beyond age of 64 years will be considered for appointment. Such appointment will be made on yearly basis; subject to satisfactory performance up to maximum age limit of 70 years (for medical faculty / 65 years for other faculties). However, candidates between the age 64 to 69 years shall have to submit physical fitness certificate at the time of joining.
17. In-service candidates will be required to produce ‘No Objection Certificate’ of Dean / Principal / employer from their institute or should apply “through proper channel”. They may, however send advance copy of the application along with enclosures & fees.
18. Horizontal reservation for women and persons with disabilities reservation will be as prescribed by the State Govt. from time to time and benefits will be given to the candidates who submits required documents and fulfils criteria. Horizontal reservation for person with disabilities is applicable : 01 for Professor or Associate Professor and 01 for Assistant Professor post. Horizontal reservation for Women is applicable : 01 post is reserved in Open category for Professor post and 01 post is reserved in OBC category for Associate Professor post.
19. Horizontal reservation for Women / Physical Handicapped shall be applicable as per the State Govt. rules. However, in case if no suitable candidate from Women / Physical Handicapped category is available; appointment shall be made from eligible candidates.
20. The candidate shall be desired to be domicile of Maharashtra.
21. Age of applicants will be determined with reference to the last date of receipt of application notified by the University.
22. Proficiency in Hindi and English is essential and Marathi preferable.
23. Weightage will be given to the persons who have experience for working in the Health Sciences Universities.
24. Number of posts may change and the decision of the Vice-Chancellor of the University in this regard shall be final.
25. The University reserves the right to fill or not to fill any of the post(s). The University also reserves the right to convert / change the pay scale or to convert it into consolidate payment or honorarium.
26. Information related to recruitment process and interview will be published on the University website. Candidate are required to regularly check the University website from time to time. No separate correspondence will be done by the University.
27. Applicants who are not eligible will not be informed independently / individually. Applicants are not allowed to make enquiry in this behalf.
28. Applicants shall attend Examination / Screening test / Interview with their own expenses.
29. The selected candidate will have to submit undertaking / deed of contract as required by the University.
30. If the candidate appointed on temporary basis desire to resign, he/she must submit resignation with a notice of one month in advance. In case, if the candidate fails to give one month advance notice, one-month salary shall be forfeited by the University or will have to deposit one-month salary.
31. The University will be at liberty to terminate the service without assigning any reason before completion of the appointment period and without giving prior notice in writing.
32. On verification, if it is found that the information received from an applicant is faulty / misleading and / or is based on faulty / forged certificates shall be liable for legal action and the selection / appointment shall be immediately cancelled / discontinued by the University.
33. Waiting List of the candidates will be valid for the period of 06 months only; from the date of issuance of appointment orders of the concerned posts.
34. The services shall be governed by the provision of the Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Act 1998 and the Statutes, Ordinance, Rules and Regulations of the University for the time being in force and as may be made applicable from time to time, the relevant instruction from the Govt., if any, and decisions of the Management Council of the University.
35. Posting will be given to the candidates as per requirement of the University to any Department established at Mumbai, Pune, Aurangabad, Kolhapur, Latur & Nagpur.
36. Any sort of canvassing directly or indirectly will be treated as disqualification and the application of such candidate shall be rejected at any stage.
37. In case if any issues arise regarding interpretation of any rules, it shall be fully and finally decided by the Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor.

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Official Website
Advt. No. 03/2024
Notification & Application Form Click Here
Apply Before 23/02/2024

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Dhalendra Kothale

Dhalendra Kothale

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