ICMR-National Institute of Malaria Research was established in 1977 as ‘Malaria Research Centre’, which was renamed as ‘National Institute of Malaria Research’ in November 2005. ICMR-NIMR is one of the institutes of the Indian Council of Medical Research (an autonomous body under Department of Health Research, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India). The primary task of the Institute is to find short term as well as long term solutions to the problems of malaria through basic, applied and operational field research. The Institute also plays a key role in man power resource development through trainings/workshops and transfer of technology. The major areas of research carried out over the years are on mosquito fauna surveys, development of genetic and molecular markers for important malaria vectors and parasites, cytotaxonomic studies identifying major vectors as species complexes and laboratory and field studies to examine the biological variations among sibling species, development of molecular identification techniques for sibling species, monitoring of insecticide resistance through space and time, preparation of action plans, etc. have yielded valuable information. Field evaluation of new insecticides, biolarvicides, insecticide-impregnated bed nets, drugs and parasite diagnostic kits have provided new armament to malaria control. Many of these have found place in national malaria control programme.
Post Code – TA (Pharma)
Name of the post – Technical Assistant (Pharmacology)
Pay Level – Pay Level-6 (Rs. 35,400 – 1, 12,400)
No. of Posts – OBC-1
Essential Qualification – 1st class Bachelor’s Degree (minimum three years’s duration) in Pharmacy (B. Pharma) from a Govt. recognized University
Upper Age Limit – 30 Years
How to Apply
A. The candidates wish to apply for the posts of Technical Assistant, Technician-1 and Laboratory Attendant-1 should submit duly completed Application Form attached with this advertisement as PART – I AND PART- II. Candidates have to fill all the columns in the Application form and should write “NA” in respect of the clauses which are not applicable or relevant to the candidate.
B. In PART – II, candidates have to fill his/her Name, Post Code, Name of the post applied for, Sex, Category, and Correspondence address. Examination Centre, Roll No. and Application No. shall be filled by the Office. Candidates have to sign this Admit Card while appearing in the written test. Therefore, they don’t have to sign the Admit Card (Part-Il) while submitting the Application
C. The duly completed Application Form including PART-I and PART-ll should be sent in a sealed cover envelope super scribing “Application for the post of (Name of the post” on the envelope to “The Director, National Institute of Malaria Research, Sector-8, Dwarka, New Delhi-110077 through Speed Post/Registered post (applications by hand will not be received latest by 21.07.2023 along with non-refundable application fee by Indian Postal Order/Demand Draft of Rs. 300/- (Three Hundred only) payable at New Delhi in favour of “Director, National Institute of Malaria Research, New Delhi’. The SC /ST, Persons with Disabilities (PwDI, Women candidates and Ex-Servicemen are exempted from payment of the application fee. The application fee is payable by all other candidates including ICMR and its Institutes employees. The fee once deposited will not be refunded under any circumstances whatsoever nor can the fee be held in reserve for any other examination or selection
D. The candidates need to attach the self-attested copies of the following documents along with their duly completed Application Form: –
(a) Proof of Date of Birth.
(b) Proof of Educational Qualifications from Class-Xth onwards.
(c) Proof of Work Experience
(d) Proof of Experience for age relaxation for the candidates working in the Government Sector; in the prescribed format (Annexure-I).
(e) Income and Asset Certificate for EWS candidates, in the prescribed format (Annexure-lI)
(f) Proof of Category i.e. SC/ST/OBC/PWD/ESM ETC.
(g) No Objection Certificate (wherever applicable).
(h) Declaration to be furnished by OBC Candidates (Annexure-VII)
(i) Details of Experience, in the prescribed format (Annexure-III) for Candidates working in ICMR projects continuously.
(j) Appointment letters and joining orders in r/o Project Service in ICMR funded Projects.
Selection Procedure –
Selection for the posts of Technical Assistant, Technician – 1 and Laboratory Attendant – 1 will be through a written test only.
Candidates securing highest marks in the written examination will be selected in order of their merit in the written examination as DoT guidelines and subject to fulfilling all the eligibility criteria.
The syllabus and marking for the written examination is given in Annexure-IV.