To prepare and dispense 10 gm Dusting Powder.

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Object – To prepare and dispense 10 gm Dusting Powder.

Reference – Gaud R.S. and Gupta G.D., Practical Pharmaceutics, CBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt. Ltd., 1st Edition 2002, Reprint 2019, Page no. 176.

Requirements –

  • Chemicals – Magnesium oxide, Starch, Talc.
  • Glassware – Mortar and pestle, Mesh screen.

Theory –

Dusting powder is used externally for local application, not intended for systemic action. Dusting powders are homogenous, non-irritable, free flow, and have good spreadability and adsorption capacity. Dusting powder always should be dispersed in a very fine state of subdivision to enhance effectiveness and minimize irritation. 

Formula Table:

S. No.IngredientsQuantity GivenQuantity Taken
1.Magnesium oxide0.50 gm0.43 gm
2.Starch1 gm0.86 gm
3.Talc10 gm8.69 gm


  1. Weigh all the ingredients. 
  2. Pass the ingredients through a 60-mesh size sieve. 
  3. Triturate the ingredients in pestle and mortar and shake uniformly. 
  4. Pack the powder well. 

Category: Pharmaceutical aid.

Storage: Preserve in a well closed container in a wide mouth bottle.

Use: Pharmaceutical aid.

Result: 10gm Dusting powder had been prepared and dispensed.

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Dhalendra Kothale

Dhalendra Kothale

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