Category: Answers


1.  (c) First, calculate the value on the left side: 7059−2350+1936=6645 Now, divide by 50: 6645/50=132.9 2. (c)  7/4+1.4142 = 7/ 5.4142 ≈ 1.2929  3. (d)  786 × 964 = 757704 4. (d) First, calculate each term: 999 + 588…


1. (d) Although often attributed to Charles Darwin, the phrase “survival of the fittest” was actually coined by the philosopher Herbert Spencer in his work “Principles of Biology” (1864). 2.(a) Gregor Johann Mendel, an Austrian monk, conducted experiments on pea…


Venn-Diagram (c); Some blackmailers may be pickpocketers but all blackmailers and all pickpocketers are anti-social elements.  (e); All footballs are balls and all balls are spheres. (d); All mothers are women. Some mothers and some women may be Engineers (c);…

Indian Geography

1. (d); Rainwater runoff is an example of nonpoint source pollution, which is pollution that comes from many sources over a large area. Other examples of nonpoint source pollution include excess fertilizers, herbicides, and insecticides from agricultural lands and residential…

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