AIIMS Deogarh invites Applications for the post of Pharmacist (05 Post) – Apply Now

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The Executive Director, AIIMS Deoghar invites applications in pre-scribed form through on line mode for filling up of various Group B & C Posts. In this article we had provided information regarding Pharmacist post, its qualification, salary, no. of posts, age limit and other informations. All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Deoghar an autonomous Institute of National Importance is one of the new AIIMS and apex health care Institute being established by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of India under Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojna (PMSSY) with aim of correcting regional imbalance in quality tertiary level healthcare in the country and attending self sufficiency in graduate, postgraduate and higher medical education and training.

Post Name


No. of Post

05 (UR-4, OBC-01)


Essential Qualification: – Diploma in Pharmacy from a recognized University/ Institution.

Should be a registered Pharmacist under Pharmacy Act 1948

Desirable: – Experience in manufacture/ storage/ testing of transfusion fluids in a reputed hospital or Industry

Age Limit

21-27 years

Pay Scale

Rs. 29200-92300/- (Level 5)


Group C


Selection Procedure
1. For Group ‘B’ and Group ‘C’ posts, the mode of Selection will be done on the basis of performance of candidate in Computer Based Test (CBT) in the order of merit and fulfilling the eligibility criteria by candidates during document verification.
2. The scheme of examination and syllabus of the posts shall be uploaded on the institute website.
3. Date of Online (CBT) mode Examination/Interview will be intimated later on.

Test Centres: Delhi/ Delhi NCR, Kolkata, Bengaluru

Important Note for Candidates:-
1. Age relaxation and/or reservation shall be admissible to SC/ST/OBC candidates only against the vacancies reserved for them on submission of valid caste/category certificate. The caste/community of such candidate should be included in the list of reserved communities issued by the Central Government.
2. EWS category candidates are required to produce ‘Income and Asset’ certificate valid for the year 2023-24 as per the format given in DoPT O.M. dated 31.01.2019.
3. OBC-NCL candidates applying for the vacancies reserved for them must produce OBC-NCL certificate based on the income for the Financial Year 2022-23, 2021-22 and 2020-21. In other words, date of issue of OBCNCL certificate should be in the Financial Year 2023-24. It should be in the format prescribed by the Govt. of India.
4. Reserve category candidates who are selected on their own merit without any relaxed standards will be accommodated against the unreserved vacancies as per their position in the order of merit. The reserved vacancies will be filled up from amongst the eligible relevant reserved category candidates in the order of merit.
5. Reserved category candidates who qualify on the basis of relaxed standards viz. age limit, experience, qualifications, etc, irrespective of their merit position will be counted against reserved vacancies only.
6. In so far as cases of Ex-serviceman (Ex-SM) are concerned, deduction of the military service rendered from the age of ex-servicemen is permissible against the reserved or unreserved posts and such exemption will not be termed as relaxed standards in regard to age. Similarly, for PwBD candidates, relaxation of 10 years in upper age limit will not be termed as relaxed standards.
7. A person with benchmark disability (PwBD) who is selected on his own merit can be appointed against an unreserved vacancy provided the post is identified suitable for persons with benchmark disability (PwBD} of relevant category.
8. Benefits to PwBD will be allowed in accordance with the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 and Rules framed there-under. Benefit under the PwBD category will be admissible to only those who suffer from not less than 40% of specified disability. Such PwBD candidates have to submit a Disability Certificate issued by the competent authority in the prescribed format.
9. Specified/suitable category of disabilities for the posts for PwBD candidates will be as per the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Govt. of India, Notification No. 38-16/2020-DD-III dated 04.01.2021 and as decided by the appointing authority considering the functional/physical requirements of the post. The Institute may verify the authenticity of the certificate of disability and examine suitability of the candidate in terms of functional requirements before appointment. In this regard, the decision of the Institute will be final.
10. Ex-servicemen/Commissioned Officers seeking age relaxation shall be required to produce Discharge Book/ documents issued by the competent authority in support of their category to avail admissible benefits (reservation / relaxation).
11. Ex-servicemen who have already secured employment in civil side under Government in Group ‘C’ or ‘D’ posts on regular basis after availing of the benefit of reservation given to ex-servicemen for their re-employment are not eligible for reservation in ESM category. However, such candidate can avail of the benefit of reservation as ex-serviceman for subsequent employment if he/she immediately after joining civil employment, gives selfdeclaration/undertaking to the concerned employer about the various vacancies for which he had applied for before joining the initial civil employment as mentioned in the DoPT OM dated 14.08.2014.
12. Request for change of category i.e. reserved to unreserved or vice-versa will not be entertained. In cases of enlisting a particular community in the list of any of the reserved communities by the Govt. of India not more than 3 months before the submission of application, the request of change of category from Unreserved to Reserved may be considered by the Institute on merit.
13. In case of a candidate unfortunately becoming a candidate belonging to Person with Benchmark Disability during the course of the examination process, the candidate should produce valid document of acquiring a disability to the extent of 40% or more as defined under the RPwD Act, 2016 to enable drawing the benefits of reservation/relaxation as available to the Persons with Benchmark Disability.

Application Fee:

Category of the Candidate

Application Fee (excluding GST charges)

General, OBC

Rs. 1500/-


Rs. 1200/-

PwBD & Women


Procedure for filling up Online Application:-
1. For filling up of online application form, candidates must have the following readily available with them (also attached in annexure-III):-
(a) Valid e-mail ID.
(b) Scanned passport size photograph of the candidate (in JPEG/JPG format).
(c) Scanned signature of the candidate (in JPEG/JPG format).
(d) Online payment option for payment of application fee, if applicable.
(e) Any other requirement, as per the advertisement.
2. Candidates must apply online through the website of AIIMS Deoghar Applications received through any other mode will not be accepted and summarily rejected.
3. Candidates have to go to the online application portal/weblink given on the website of AIIMS Deoghar (, register themselves and follow the instructions on the application portal for filling up online application form.
4. Candidates must fill all the fields of online application form correctly. There is no provision for correcting the details after submission of online application form. Request for change in any information at later stage will not be considered.
5. Candidates who wish to apply for more than one post should apply separately for each post and pay the applicable fee for each post in the online/digital mode only.
6. Only one online application is allowed to be submitted by a candidate for a particular post. In case of multiple Online Applications from a candidate, the Online Application with higher “Application Number” shall be considered for further process subject to fulfilment of other requirement including successful payment of application fee. In such cases, fee paid against one “Application Number” shall not be adjusted against any other “Application Number”.
7. While applying online, candidates must ensure that in the preview of online application form, their photo and signature are clearly visible. If photo/signature is not clearly visible in preview that means the image file of photo or/and signature are not as per the given specifications. It will lead to rejection of application. Hence, candidates are advised to adhere to the specifications of image.
8. Specifications for photograph and signature of the candidate to be uploaded in the online application should as per the specifications given in Annexure III to this Advertisement.

Opening Date of Online Application: 27.10.2023
Closing Date of Online Application: 16.11.2023



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Dhalendra Kothale

Dhalendra Kothale

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