Recruitment of Pharmacist (27 Vacancy) at AIIMS Bhopal – Apply Now

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Director, AIIMS Bhopal invites online applications from the Indian nationals & Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) for recruitment to the following non-faculty posts on direct recruitment basis. In this article we had provided information about the Pharmacist Post and required qualification, no. of posts, salary, age limit, how to fill application, online application dates, selection procedure etc. AIIMS Bhopal is an apex healthcare institute, established by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India under the Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojna (PMSSY) with the aim of correcting regional imbalance sin quality tertiary level healthcare in the country and attaining self-sufficiency ingraduate and postgraduate medical education and training. ADM-2(3)/AIIMSBhopal/RC/2023/02

Name of Post

Pharmacist Grade II

No. of Posts

27 (UR-11, OBC-7, SC-4, ST-2, EWS-3)



1. Diploma In Pharmacy from a recognised University/Institution

2. Should be a registered Pharmacist under Pharmacy Act 1948

Desirable: Experience in manufacture/ storage/testing of transfusion fluids in a reputed hospital industry.

Pay Scale

Rs. 29,200-92,300/- (Level 5)

Age Limit

Between 21-27 years

Selection Process

On the basis of online CBT


Details of Computer Based Test (CBT):
1. Candidates will have to score a minimum of 35% marks in the CBT for inclusion in the order of merit.
2. Indicative syllabus of the CBT is given in Annexure-II.
3. The scheme of CBT will be as given below.

Total No. of MCQs

Total Marks

Total Duration of Test (CBT)

Indicative Scheme / Scope of Syllabus of CBT



90 Minutes

As per Annexure – II

Separate post-wise merit list will be prepared on the basis of marks in the CBT


Application Fee: A non-refundable application and processing fee is required to be paid only in online/digital mode. Applications without the prescribed fees hall be summarily rejected. The fee once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances nor can the fee be held in reserve for any other examination. The application fee applicable to various categories is as follows:-

Category of the Candidate

Application Fee

General, OBC, EWS

Rs. 1200/-


Rs. 600/-


Procedure for filling up Online Application:
1. For filling up of online application form, candidates must have the following readily available with them:-
(a) Valid e-mail ID.
(b) Scanned passport size photograph of the candidate (in JPEG/JPG format).
(c) Scanned signature of the candidate (in JPEG/JPG format).
(d) Online payment option for payment of application fee, if applicable.
2. Candidates must apply online through the website of AIIMS Bhopal Applications received through any other mode will not be accepted and summarily rejected.
3. Candidates have to go to the online application portal/web-link given on the website of AIIMS Bhopal (, register themselves and follow the instructions on the application portal for filling up online application form.
4. Candidates must fill all the fields of online application form correctly. There is no provision for correcting the details entered in the online application form once it is submitted by the candidate after clicking the submit button. Therefore, requests for change in any information at later stage will not be considered.
5. Candidates who wish to apply for more than one post will be required to indicate their preferences in the application form and will be required to pay separate application fee for each post in the online/digital mode only. The candidates shall not be considered for posts other than the ones indicated in their list of preferred post. The order of preference cannot be changed once submitted.
6. In case multiple online application forms are received from a candidate for a particular post, the online application with higher “Application Number” shall be considered for further process subject to fulfillment of other requirement including successful payment of application fee. In such cases, fee paid against one “Application Number” shall not be adjusted against any other “Application Number”.
7. While applying online, candidates must ensure that in the preview of online application form, their photo and signature are clearly visible. If photo/signature is not clearly visible in preview that means the image file of photo/signature is not asper the given specifications. It may lead to rejection of application. Hence, candidates are advised to adhere to the specifications of image.

General Instructions to Candidates:
1. AIIMS Bhopal is an apex healthcare institute, established by the ministry of health and Family Welfare, Government of India under the Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojna (PMSSY). Service under the Institute is governed by the Act and the Rules / Regulations framed under the Act. The matter of technical resignation is under consideration and admissible benefits, if any, will be applicable as per the decision of the Competent Authority.
2. On appointment, in addition to pay, selected candidates will be entitled to other allowances and service benefits i.e. DA, HRA (or accommodation), TA, Leave, LTC, NPS, Employee Health Scheme etc. as admissible to employees of AIMS Bhopal.
3. All the appointees are expected to conform to the rules of conduct and discipline applicable to the employees of AIIMS Bhopal.
4. Without prejudice to criminal/legal/disciplinary action, the candidate is liable to be disqualified from the CBT/recruitment process on account of the following:-
(a) Using unfair means during the CBT/recruitment process; or
(b) Violating instructions mentioned in the e-Admit Card or given by officials, or
(c) Impersonating or procuring impersonation by any person; or
(d) Misbehaving in the examination hall/place of document verification(DV); or
(e) Damaging infrastructure/equipment in the examination hall/place of DV; or
(f) Obstructing the conduct of the examination/recruitment process; or
(g) Instigating other candidates to boycott the examination / DV process; or
(h) Making statements which are incorrect or false, suppressing material
information, submitting fabricated documents, etc. or
(i) Any other inappropriate and indisciplined behavior during the process.
5. In case, any information or declaration given by the candidate is found to be false or if the candidate has willfully suppressed any material information relevant tothis recruitment, he/she will be liable to be removed fromtheserviceand/or action, as deemed fit, may be taken against him/her by the appointingauthority. 6. The candidate should not have been convicted by any Court of Law.
7. Date of birth filled by the candidate in the online application form and the same recorded in the Matriculation/ Secondary Examination Certificate will be accepted by the Institute for determining the age and no subsequent request for change will be considered or granted.
8. Candidates should note that their candidature will remain provisional until the veracity of the document submitted by them is verified by AIIMS Bhopal. 9. In case of any inadvertent mistake in the process of selection which may be detected at any stage even after the issue of appointment letter, the institute reserves the right to modify/withdraw any communication made to the candidate.
10. Executive Director, AIIMS Bhopal reserves the right of any amendment, cancellation, and changes to this advertisement as a whole or in part without assigning any reason.
11. No TA/DA will be paid for appearing in the recruitment process/test/.
12. Candidates may use Hindi or English language in the selection process except for the test of language which will be in the concerned language only.
13. Communication with candidates regarding recruitment process will be made through email ID provided by them in their online application form.
14. All the information related to the recruitment will be published on the website of AIIMS Bhopal ( Candidates are advised to regularly visit the website of AIIMS Bhopal for updates related to recruitment.
15. For any technical support during filling of online application, candidates may communicate to ‘’ or contact on 0755-6720200(HelpDesk).
16. All the records related to this recruitment will be preserved up to 6 months from the date of declaration of result and thereafter, these shall stand destroyed except for records of selected candidates and matters pending in the Hon’ble CAT/Court.
17. Any dispute in regard to this recruitment will be subject to the Court/Tribunal having jurisdiction over Bhopal.

Opening Date of Online Application: 27.10.2023
Closing Date of Online Application: 20.11.2023



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Dhalendra Kothale

Dhalendra Kothale

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