Vacancy for Pharmacist (02 Post) under Kerala State Civil Supplies Corporation Ltd – Apply Now

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The Indian Constitution established the KPSC as a legal entity. In accordance with the requests of the hiring authorities, the Commission advises the Government on all civil service-related matters referred to it under Article 320(3) of the Constitution. The Commission also publishes notifications inviting applications for selection to various posts, conducts written tests and/or practical tests, physical efficiency tests, and interviews, creates ranked lists based on the performances of the candidates, and advises candidates for appointment strictly based on their merit and observing the rules of reservation as and when vacancies are reported.

Name of Post: Assistant Pharmacist

No of posts: 02 (Two)

Name of Firm: Kerala State Civil Supplies Corporation Ltd

Scale of pay: Rs. 27,900 – 43,700/-

i) Pre-Degree / Plus Two / VHSE
(ii) Diploma in Pharmacy (D.Pharm.)
(iii) Registration with Kerala State Pharmacy Council
Note:- (1) Rule 10 an (ii) of Part II KS & SSR is applicable.
(2) “ In addition to the qualification specified in the notification, the qualifications recognized by Executive Orders or Standing Orders of Government as equivalent to a qualification specified for a post , in the Special Rules and such of those qualifications which pre-suppose the acquisition of the lower qualification prescribed for the post, shall also be sufficient for the post. The copy of the Government orders declaring equivalent / higher qualifications shall be produced as and when required by the commission.”

Probation: Any person appointed to this post shall, from the date on which he/she joins duty, be on probation for a total period of two years on duty within a continuous period of three years.

Age limit: 18 – 36 Years
Only candidates born between 02.01.1987 and 01.01.2005 (both dates included) are eligible to apply for this post. Other Backward Communities and SC/ST candidates are eligible for usual age relaxation. In no case the maximum upper age limit shall exceed 50 (fifty) years. Note : The provisional hands working in the above concern will be given age relaxation to the extent of their provisional service put in subject to a maximum of Five years from the upper age limit provided they are within the prescribed age limit on the date of their first appointment in the above concern. But the regular employees of the concern are not eligible for the above concession for further appointment. The provisional hands should obtain a certificate showing the period of their provisional service in the concern and shall produce the same as and when required by the Commission. It would also be clearly specified in the certificate that they were not working in the regular service of the concern.

Mode of submitting Application
a) Candidates must register as per ONE TIME REGISTRATION with the official Website of Kerala Public Service Commission before applying for the post. Candidates who have registered can apply by logging on to their profile using their User-ID and Password. Candidates must click on the ‘Apply Now’ button of the respective posts in the Notification Link to apply for a post. The Photograph uploaded should be taken after 31.12.2012. Candidates who are creating profile from 01.01.2022 onwards, must upload photograph which is taken within 6 months. Name of the candidate and the date of photograph taken should be printed legibly at the bottom portion. The photograph once uploaded meeting all requirements shall be valid for 10 years from the date of uploading. There is no change in other instructions regarding the uploading of photographs. No application fee is required. Candidates are responsible for the correctness of the personal information and secrecy of password. Before the final submission of the application on the profile candidates must ensure correctness of the information in their profile. They must quote the User-ID for further communication with the Commission. Application submitted is provisional and cannot be deleted or altered after submission. Candidates are advised to keep a printout or soft copy of the online application for future reference. Candidates can take the printout of the application by clicking on the link ‘My applications’ in their profile. All correspondences with the Commission, regarding the application should be accompanied with the print out of the application. The application will be summarily rejected if non-compliance with the notification is found in due course of processing. Original documents to prove qualification, age, Community etc. have to be produced as and when called for.
b)If written/OMR/Online Test is conducted as part of this selection candidates possessing requisite qualification as per Para 7 above alone shall submit a confirmation for writing the examination through their One Time Registration profiles. Such candidates alone can generate and download the Admission Tickets in the last 15 days till the date of Test. The application of candidates who do not submit confirmation within the stipulated period, will be rejected absolutely. The periods regarding the submission of confirmation and the availability of admission tickets will be published in the examination programme itself. Information in this regard will be given to the candidates in their respective profiles and in the mobile phone number registered in it.
c) Candidates who have Aadhaar Card should add Aadhaar Card as ID proof in their profile.

Last date for submission of application:- 31.05.2023, Wednesday upto 12.00 midnight.

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Dhalendra Kothale

Dhalendra Kothale

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