Recruitment of Pharmacist (43 Posts) at Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences (SGPGI) Lucknow

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SGPGI Lucknow has issued an official notification for 43 Pharmacists Vacancies in Group C Post from D. Pharma/ B. Pharma Pass candidates who are interested in SGPGI Lucknow Group C Post Recruitment 2023-24. Please read this post and refer to the tables for complete vacancy details, educational qualifications, eligibility criteria, pay scale, salary, and How to Apply for SGPGI Lucknow Group C Post from job openings at the official website

Name of Post

Pharmacist Grade-II

No. of Post

43 (UR-17; EWS-04; OBC-13; Sc-09)



(i) Diploma in Pharmacy from a recognized University / Institution

(ii) Should be a registered Pharmacist under the Pharmacy Act, 1948.

1. Degree in pharmacy from recognized
University / Board.

2. 02 years experience in related filed.

Salary (Level 5)

Rs. 29,200-92,300/-

Age Limit

Not more than 40 Years

Selection Process

Written Exam


Special Note:
1. Pharmacist Grade-II: – Candidates who had applied against Advt. No. I-34/G/Rectt/2021-22 will be allowed in the recruitment process and such candidate need not apply again. However candidates are advised to ensure their eligibility regarding qualification failing which their candidature will not be considered. The candidates should be a registered Pharmacist under the Pharmacy Act, 1948. Further, such candidates may check availability of their online application form by clicking the web link with his / her earlier password.
2. No application/fee will be accepted after date as against the above advertisement till the last date of submission of application and fee as per published Examination scheduled on Institute’s website. The applicant will not be able to print out his application unless his fee is adjusted by the bank. Therefore, the fee from the bank should be mandatorily adjusted by the candidate. Candidate can also amend his application form except -Registered Mobile Number, Email, Aadhaar Number, Category, etc. Candidates are advised to visit Institute’s website for the detailed schedule of the Examination and application process.
3. Any information provided by the candidate and found to be false at any stage of recruitment process, then the candidature of the candidate shall be summarily rejected.
4. The decisive date for calculation of Age, Qualifications and Experience for this advertisement is 1st July, 2023.
5. The medium of Examination will be only in English Language for all post.

Information required for candidates applying online-
Online application system is applicable for applying under the above advertisement. The application sent through any other means will not be accepted. Candidates should apply online only. Candidates to apply online Please ensure compliance with the procedure given below. Process of filling the application form – The process of filling the application form is divided into the five following parts:
i. Candidate Registration
ii. Filling up of balance details of the form
iii. Uploading photo, signatures and other documents
iv. Payment of Fees and Application Form Submission
v. Printout of Application form
Note: The candidate can complete all the above mentioned procedures at once for filling the application form.

Application Fees

S. No.


Application Fees

GST 18%


















1. Aspiring applicants satisfying eligibility criteria in all respect can submit their ONLINE application only. On-line application (s) will be available on SGPGIMS, Lucknow websites
2. Applicants must fulfill all essential eligibility criteria, educational qualification, age limit, etc. as per appended Guidelines.
3. Amount of NON-REFUNDABLE fee to be paid.
4. Individual application and application fee is required to be submitted/ remitted for each post(s) separately. (in case of candidate applying for more than one post).
5. On-line Registration and submission process schedule will be published on Institute’s website; Examination will be conducted according to the published schedule. Candidates are advised to visit Institute’s website for the detail schedule of the Examination.
6. As per Acts and GOs on Reservation of Government of Uttar Pradesh may change the number of reserved vacancies in accordance with the prescribed/policy directions in the Ordinances/Orders.
7. Reservation as per UP Govt including reservation of persons (EWSs) belonging to Economically Weaker Sections which is 10% against vacant posts in the above table, as per O.M. of the Government of Uttar Pradesh, Karmik Deptt ,Section-2, no. 1/2019/4/1/2002/ka-2/19 T.C.-II dated 18.2.2019, OM of Karmik Deptt ,Section-2, 5/2019/4/1/2002/ka-2/2019 T.C.I dated 13.8.2019 and OM of the Government of Uttar Pradesh, Karmik Dept ,Section-2 OM No. 6/2019 /4/1/2002/ka-2/2019 T.C.I dated 23.10.2019.
8. Before applying, candidates must read the mandatory qualifications (academic) and others prescribed for vacant posts and ensure that they hold the required mandatory qualification (educational) and other for the post and only those who are covered under the prescribed age limit can apply online.
9. The Uttar Pradesh, Public Services, (Reservation for physically handicapped, dependent of freedom fighters and ex servicemen) Act 1993 , dated 29.12.1993 , and (Amendment) Act 2018 dated 01.09.2018 & (Amendment) Act 2021 vide Notification No. 450 (2/LXXIX-V-1-21-1-ka-12-21 Lucknow dated 10.03.2021 shall apply in the reservation under other category (i.e. Horizontal) and will be applicable only to the identified posts.
10. It is mandatory for the candidate to tick the requested post while registering; otherwise his/her application will not be accepted.
11. The number of vacancies mentioned in the above Table may increase or decrease.
12. Age relaxation for SC/ST & OBC candidates up to a maximum period of 05 years, as per appended guidelines and relevant GOs of Govt of UP.
13. In case of Orthopedic Physical Handicapped (OPH) candidates, age relaxation is up to maximum period of 10 years for General Category, 13 years for OBC category and 15 years for SC/ST category candidates as per appended guidelines and relevant GOs of Govt of UP.
14. In case of Permanent Government Employees who have rendered not less than 3 years regular and continuous service in the relevant field relax able up to maximum period of 5 years as per appended guidelines and relevant GOs of Govt of UP.
15. Relaxation to upper age limit in favor of Ex-serviceman will be as per Govt. of India rules as adopted by Govt of UP.
16. No document including printed/ hard copy of online application forms are required to be sent by post. However, applicants are advised to keep one printed / hard copy of their application forms.
17. Candidates are required to give their preferences amongst three choice of Cities in which Exams to be conducted (list of cities will be published with the application forms). Exact centre will be given at time of issue of admit card. Effort will be made to allot centre to a candidates according to their given preferences. However, in case of non-availability of a slot at their preferred choices, closest other cities will be allotted. Decision of SGPGIMS, Lucknow will be final in this regard.
18. Applicants in regular employment must submit a “NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE” from employers.
19. Candidates with valid application shall be issued call letter & admit card. These can be downloaded by candidates directly from Institute’s website by entering their registration number / application number, Date of birth. Call letters will not be sent by post. This facility would be available on website accordingly as per published scheduled of examination.
20. No TA/DA shall be admissible for appearing in Written Test / Skill Test/ Interview.
21. All Disputes/differences or litigations shall be subject to territorial jurisdiction of Lucknow Court only.
22. Director SGPGIMS, Lucknow reserves rights to fill any or all of advertised posts or not to fill same without assigning any reason.

Status of the Application:
Will be displayed at the Institute website.

1. The candidates are advised to go through the requirements of age, educational qualification, experience, etc. as mentioned in the advertisement and satisfy themselves before applying that they are eligible for the respective post. In anticipation of a huge number of applicants, scrutiny of the eligibility criteria e.g. age, qualifications, experience, etc. will not be undertaken at the time of the Common Recruitment Test (CRT). Applications without application fee will be rejected. All applications with application fee shall be accepted provisionally and all candidates will be allowed to appear provisionally in the Common Recruitment Test (CRT).
2. If any candidate is found not fulfilling the prescribed age, qualification, experience and any other eligibility criteria as per the advertisement, at any stage of the recruitment process, even if the candidate figures in the merit list of the Common Recruitment Test (CRT), his/her candidature will be treated as cancelled without any further notice and the post will be forfeited. Candidature will be cancelled at any stage if any information or claim is not substantiated on the scrutiny of the documents by the Institute.

Selection Process:
The selection will be done on the basis of the marks obtained in the Common Recruitment Test (CRT) only.

Hall Ticket for the Common Recruitment Test (CRT):
The applicants can print their hall ticket for the Common Recruitment Test (CRT) online from the Institute website

Common Recruitment Test (CRT):
For all posts, a Common Recruitment Test (CRT) will be held. The Common Recruitment Test (CRT) will be of 02 hours duration and will be of 100 marks. It will contain multiple choice questions (MCQs)
60 marks on the subject(s) related to the post and of the level of the qualifications required
10 marks on General English
10 marks on General Knowledge
10 marks on Reasoning
10 marks on Mathematical Aptitude.
1 (one) mark will be given for the correct answer and 1/3 (one-third) mark will be deducted for the wrong answer (i.e. there will be negative marking)

Minimum qualifying marks of the Common Recruitment Test (CRT) for all posts will be:-
50% for General, EWS, OBC.
45% for SC & ST

Final Merit List:
The final merit list will be prepared based on the marks obtained in the Common Recruitment Test (CRT) only for all categories (i.e. GENERAL, OBC, SC, ST, EWS, etc) separately and rank will be awarded to all qualified applicants. While preparing the merit list for the General category, all applicants (including those from the reserved categories) will be taken into consideration, but while preparing the merit list for a reserved category, only applicants of that category will be taken into consideration. The same method will be applicable in all reserved categories.

Resolution of Tie: Tie breaking Rules will be as follows-
1. Total marks of the tied Candidates
2. Date of birth of the tied Candidates. (Older candidate placed higher on the merit list)
3. Number of wrong answers / negative marks of the tied Candidates. (Less wrong answers/ negative marks placed higher on the merit list)
4. Total marks in the ‘core’ section of the examination conducted. (Higher marks in the core section being placed higher on the merit list)
a. (for e.g. in the examination referred to above 60% questions pertained to the core subject Syllabus) (‘core’ section would be defined by the Examination Section of SGPGI, for each exam, as needed)
5. Application number of the candidate. (Earlier application number being placed higher on the merit list)

All results will be declared on the Institute website.

All selections made against a specific advertisement shall be applicable only for that specific advertisement, and wait list would be prepared as per the provisions of the State (UP) Government in this regard.
Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.
Any dispute in regard to any matter referred to herein shall be subject to the jurisdiction of Lucknow Courts only.

Other observations
1. Higher qualification will not be considered a disqualification for any post.
2. Working experience in Government/ semi government organization wherever applicable will include experience either on regular post or outsourced/contractual, with accompanying evidence based certificate. Applicant will submit an affidavit that experience mentioned in the certificate is true and SGPGIMS may verify the facts from the concerned Institution/ Party.
3. For posts having experience as an Essential Criteria, the experience which has been acquired only after obtaining essential qualification will be considered as valid.
4. Any dispute with regard to any matter referred herein shall be subject to the jurisdiction of Lucknow court alone.

The Notification of “The Uttar Pradesh Direct Recruitment to Junior Level Posts (Discontinuation of interview) Rules 2017” Notification Miscellaneous No. 4/2017/1/1/2017-Ka-2 Dated 31 August 2017, the earlier provisions/guidelines in respect of recruitment of group ‘B’ (Non Gazetted), group ‘C’ and group ‘D’ are superseded by this rule 2017 and recommended to adopt these Rules for recruitment of group ‘B’ (Non Gazetted), group ‘C’ and group ‘D’ posts of the Institute.

Important dates
1. Online Application forms open – 6th November 2023
2. Last Date to apply – 25th November 2023

News Paper Notification

Detailed Notification 

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Official Website

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Dhalendra Kothale

Dhalendra Kothale

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